Off the top of my head...
Maths 86
English 82
Science 80something? probably low 80s
History 80 something? mid?
Geography 79
Maths 95
Ext maths 45
english adv 83
modern history 88
economics 90
Italian cont. 89
Sor1 44
ext hist 35
So, no....SC means...
SAM 04 = my 05 UAI. :)
Adv eng 83
Economics 90
Italian cont 89
Mod hist 88
SOR 1 44
Mathematics 95
Mathematics ext1 45
History ext 35
Although it was a fluke because this year 1 unit of mod hist, sor and ext hist were not counted, whereas, to the best of my memory sam...
Hey I got 95.25 too!
Im thinking of commerce or commerce/arts then postgrad law.
Sorry I have no info, got excited that we both have the same 05 uai and are looking at doing the same courses at the same uni :D
Someone has to know? please!?
I got a letter from Macquarie today saying my EAS was accepted...
Do i assume that USYD would accept? I mean its a school could they accept some and not others? I dont get it....
Sorry...but Im getting curious.
My school is apparantly disadvantaged so I recieved a letter in October saying that I had been automatically assessed to be eligible for the EAS. It said I need not take any further action.
Do I have to wait for confirmation from different Unis that my EAS...
YeahI know...I'm so desperate!I Need answers!
Well..judging by how i went i'd say maybe the 5th or 6 th highest exam mark out of 22...but i dont kno whow my school compares with the state...i'll be conservative and say ~ top 35%...SAM says thats 81 / 82 in 2003...UAIseek0405 says about the same.
I know its a stupid question..and teachers (especially modern) make way differently accross the state...but does anyone know roughly what mark would give what?
Say a raw mark of 75 would to..?? 80..etc...
Before the exam i thought that as long as I didnt rush I could get between 105-115...after the exam..I have no idea.
Overall it was OK...I think i panicked a bit which meant that I took longer on 1-8 than i usually do.
Q 9 and 10 were very challenging. I could get some of it out..but left...
One person's "I fucked up" is another one's "I went well"...but i can say that undoubtedly, which ever way you look at it I fucked up:(...Blown my chance of a band theres so much pressure on my other subjects..
Ah well..
Wow, thanks for that.
To be honest I was a bit dissapointed when I got my final ranks back. I guess because I used to be 22 in english( which isn't that great but compared to 29/49...) and 6th in ext maths. I honestly thought that I was looking at something like 86-90 with those ranks. . ...
None of the higher order questions i was prepared for.
I guess i stuffed up...Ah well...Speaking was never my strong point.
Hopefully I can make it up in the written exam.
I just wanted a few opinions on what UAI im looking at...just to get an independant idea.
My school rank is around 132 i think...
Anyway..left ro right: My trial mark, average mark, my rank
English ADV : 65/100, 66/100-->29/49
SOR 1 : 30/50, 26/50, --->34/66
Hai lavorato quest’anno?
Hai mai suonato una strumenta musicale?
Devi collaborare ai lavori di casa? (meh...they might ask - im not sure about the wording of the question though)
Usi l’internet?
meh...cant think of many now
I should be studying :)
I got 91 which im happy with ...but i think we might have been marked a bit easily..
Highest were 95,95,93,92 then me, then an 89 ...then a few other 80s then a bg chunck in the 60s/70s (out of about 50 students).