hey all! :wave:
last night we learnt that 'milco' is going under the alias miles. sally gave him a van to stay in, and some clothes etc. colleen is now quite fond of him.
matty broke up with ric, 'officially'.
martha got a lil drunk whilst working at the bar and some dude starting...
Whoaaaaaa this thread has certainly died since I've been gone!
Home and Away still has it's moments, despite what people may say!
I hope all '07ers are doing well!!
I'm still here - watching over your conversations, hehe.
It seems as though conversation has slowed considerably. Congratulations on making 10, 000 posts! What a milestone.
Jack and Martha... It's a shame. I dislike Sam.
Sally looked nice, as did Leah, as always.
Stupid Jazz.
Good to see so many Matthew Reilly fans! The only one I'm yet to read is Hover Car Racer, and I've got a copy of Hell Island on hold, as it's being re-released.
Good luck, Tina!
Belle's hair is quite short... But meh.
Jazz seems like a cow. Yay for Alex being caught, but how were Brad and Alf there? Were they in the diner or something?
Stupid Drew, stupid Jules.
Should be good with Jack and Martha.
Hey all!
I have an exam Wednesday, so my entire weekend was devoted to study, whislt working at the same time.
I just paid my green slip - $607... that hurts :(
Caught up on H&A also - jack and martha were cute. Martha looked beautiful in purple. She knows that's my favourite colour...
Evening all! I have two episodes to catch up on (tonights and last nights). Can't wait to see Leah again! Hehe.
Oh, and I can't remember who said it, but someone asked why they call Alex 'Alexi'. It's 'cos his name is properly Alexis, but the Greeks don't pronounce the 's', so it becomes...
Thanks, Nathan! And no, Heba, I didn't expect you to give me a recap, but I knew someone would hook me up somehow. Once again, Nathan came to my rescue!
You hate me for some reason, Heba... I don't know why...
I too was disappointed slightly with the finale... I think Chloe's power will be revealed in the first episode of sesaon 7. It's obviously one of those.
Bizzaro... Hmm, not exactly sure if I like his appearance, but still should be interesting to see where they go with his character.
Oh well...
Snaykew does have a point - remember, Niki/Jessica did tear those dudes appart... Though I suppose Sylar may have some form of enhanced strength, one way or another?