Most likely they won't so don't get 2 worried....
but if you do want an extra ort google murders in the rue morgue or a sherlock holmes short story, they are good to talk about and quick to analyse
with cf you should have at least 3 ort's, just in case they ask for more than 2. With imaginative it can be anything that isn't an essay basically, it doesn't just have to be a story.
Sure hope so, or i'm screwed. lol. in legal it is really like that, i'm the only one who actually does wat the teacher says, he even reads out parts of my essay's to the year 11 legal class, it's a little embarrassing lol
I came first in legal cause i sucked up to my teacher lol
Who needs any ability anyway. it's so over rated. some of the most succesfull ppl became succesfull not because they had ability but cause they kissed arse.
chem and physics, i couldn't think of anyhting worse than studying science subjects.... yuck.
All though must admit that studying for english is crap.
Why do we need language anyway? most of the stuff that comes out of peoples mouths is just a load of senseless crap anyway!
only good thing about cf is that it's easy and there are so many ort's for it lol....
oh by the way don't worry i'm screwed to except i got 42/50 for my trials, except have'nt done any study since lol
Of course a person can be a red herring if they are an incorrect suspect for example in sbts half the people on the island are suspects but really turn out to be red herrings as the real killer was simon. red herrings refer to clues or suspects that are misleading and do not help to solve the...
wish I could get 91 on internal mark lol.
Maybe has something to do with not studyin or doing any practice exams...... unless trials and half yearly's count, then i've done two lol
I hate extension english...........................................
Can't be bothered studyin............................................
i am bored............................................................
Crap the extension exam is tomorrow, oh well.
I do cf and it's crap. easy but so boring.....
I can't believe rnitya 25 thought it sounded interesting, it is repetitive and boring!!!!!!
Yay will never have to think about cf after tomorrow
there is something wrong with the unofficial hsc advice line. my browser won't let me go to it. It's saying something about the website may be experiencing technical difficulties. I have lots more questions to ask Evdogs lol.