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  1. Rage01

    What will happen to my Eco marks

    Yeah it's dependent on your internal rank and strength of cohort, as well as whether or not the rest of the State found it difficult or not
  2. Rage01

    OMG @ the workload

    lol yeah that's what I did, but I meant out of the subjects you're considering dropping which one do you spend more time on
  3. Rage01

    Thoughts: Bladerunner

    yeah what you want to do is see how contextual influences have shaped the composition of the texts. The most obvious of which would be the natural environment - Frankenstein constantly reiterates the sublimity of nature whereas Scott shows how urbanisation has destroyed the landscape. Like...
  4. Rage01

    OMG @ the workload

    Which one do you put more time into currently?
  5. Rage01


    :( do you have to do an exam at the end of the course?
  6. Rage01


    ah well I wanna find some engineering stuff to find out if I'll like it Plus I'll probably lose 2 weeks of my holidays cos I'll probably have to do a physics bridging course.
  7. Rage01

    Multiple choice marking???

    That's fine, it's what the instructions from the board of studies says to do
  8. Rage01


    lol apparently the holidays gets boring because you 'lose a sense of purpose' any truth to that?
  9. Rage01

    Related Text for Belonging -

    If you're not sure about whether or not your RM is good, you can go through the past HSC papers and see if they fit.
  10. Rage01

    OMG @ the workload

    Ext 2 maths is hardest when you first start it but you'll get used to it.
  11. Rage01

    12 Units

    Yeah I'm also pretty sure it's your best scaled. But also remember your 2 best units of english are counted no matter what
  12. Rage01

    Students who do Economics and Legal Studies!

    For Eco, you should know eco growth rate, unemployment rate, CPI, inflation rate and budgetary outcome. For the rates, get one from midpoint/begining of the year and then the most recent one you can find when you're about to do your HSC. That way you can compare how theyve changed throughout...
  13. Rage01

    What should I drop...?

    I would drop Legal but it depends how much time you're putting into each subject anyway. I don't think it's worth it to drop English Ext 1 - not only does it mean you wont get stuck with 2u of advanced (if you're not good at it), it also only requires you to do an essay and creative piece in...
  14. Rage01

    Beginning Year 12 for 2010

    There's also a helpful online maths tutor on the McDonalds site lol It's better than you think and can help you get down the basics if you need it Link: Maths Online - Free Maths Tuition For All Australian High School Students
  15. Rage01


    Finished as well woooooo It's a nice feeling knowing I'll never have to read those notes again
  16. Rage01

    The textual integrity of Hamlet

    Thanks for the reply. The things you said are in line with the way i interpreted textual integrity so thanks. I just wanted to ask your advice on one more thing. If i was to write an essay on this play/soliloquy in terms of characterisation, thematic concerns, e.t.c. Would you link the...
  17. Rage01

    The textual integrity of Hamlet

    Hey everyone, I'd just like to ask anyone here if they could give me some handy pointers, links or personal opinions as to the textual integrity of Hamlet. I'm having a really difficult time understanding just what it is as every site seems to have different and/or contradicting definitions...
  18. Rage01

    Need help :( Glycerol and Bubbles

    thanks for the reply but i've been to these kind of sites and they only tell me how glycerol helps bubbles last longer. I need to know how it affects size. Thanks again
  19. Rage01

    Need help :( Glycerol and Bubbles

    Hi, MY science assignment requires me to determine how varying amounts of glycerol/glycerine affect the size of bubbles. I've looked everywhere but i can only find that glycerol makes the bubbles last longer after being blown. I conducted my own experiment showing that glycerol makes it smaller...