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  1. Cianyx

    wats ur gym routine

    I do situps in the squat rack now. Usually halfway through someone's squat rep
  2. Cianyx

    Talking to girls

    Okay, I said hi. Now what? Quickly!
  3. Cianyx

    I need a job.

    The only job I got so far this year is some contract job for surveying pedestrian traffic. Getting a bit sick of being unemployed as well. Might end up having to work at Maccas
  4. Cianyx

    Us marines to be based in darwin: Reports

    I guess Darwin is sorta like Uganda
  5. Cianyx

    Albums v Singles

    The fuck is a single?
  6. Cianyx

    Coke Zero bad for weightloss?

    It's fine for weight loss and it's acceptable to drink it occasionally. I steer clear of it cause it's a drain on money and soft drinks generally lost its appeal to me
  7. Cianyx

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Re: Really awful movies to watch It turns out people on the verge of suicide have the mental capabilities of a toddler
  8. Cianyx

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Re: Really awful movies to watch
  9. Cianyx

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Re: Really awful movies to watch I've got this on DVD. Best 10 bucks spent ever
  10. Cianyx

    Anyone here work out at home but is still buff?

    Buy a barbell and some bumper plates. That's all you really need.
  11. Cianyx

    losing weight?

    The only drawbacks of cardio is that it may impact your gym performance. I used to do 5km runs twice a week and that really fucked with my squats on SS.
  12. Cianyx

    Are you Ugly?

    21 rule mate. If you don't bloom by 21, you're fucked. You've got 2 years to fix that.
  13. Cianyx

    Got asked about intro to libertarianism in a PM

    There are a number of pretty interesting lectures by Rothbard available for free on Mises iTunes U.
  14. Cianyx

    Private vs. Public Schools!

    Jesus NCAP moves fast
  15. Cianyx

    Would you abort a rape baby?

    Definitely abort
  16. Cianyx

    Same-Sex Marriage If I've got this right, homosexuality, is mostly random though some aspects are indeed heritable. Might support the claim that it is a byproduct of other traits. Dunno much about genetics.