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  1. iforgotmyname

    Question about electives

    So should I do elec1111 and engg1181 for sem 1?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. iforgotmyname

    Question about electives

    What if your doing renewable energy, so you still do sola1070 sem 2? Why this particular study plan? Is ENGG1000 really annoying with all the projects and shit? :) cheers mate
  3. iforgotmyname

    Single degree vs double degree

    Are the electives you miss out really important? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. iforgotmyname

    Single degree vs double degree

    Alright, thanks everyone. I will keep your advice in mind when i do my selections Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. iforgotmyname

    Single degree vs double degree

    Hi everyone, I am considering whether or not to do a combined degree of commerce/engo at unsw rather than just an engineering on its own. heavy is the workload of com eng double degree compared to a engineering degree 2. Is the extra 1.5 years for com eng worth it, or would seeking...
  6. iforgotmyname

    Estimate VS Real ATAR

    I was happy with my 94.25 before i saw this thread. The atar is too dam high ahah. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. iforgotmyname

    Is war necessary?

    Nah, most of the wars these days is fabricated by Americans to provide a reason to sustain their massive trillion dollar military industry and budget. So in a sense there is no real war but rather, controlled chaos
  8. iforgotmyname

    How many books do I need for year 11?

    1 (200 page) book for each of chem, physics, english. 1 270 ish page book for japanese for hsc and prelim. 2 books (200) for 3u if you do a lot of maths
  9. iforgotmyname

    Which dress is better?

    depends on what you look like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. iforgotmyname

    How hard is 90+ atar!

    Nah, year 11 you cram maths, learn essay structure and start learning year 12 science (if you do any). The reason why you only learn essay structure and not content for english is because year 11 english is completely irrelevant to year 12. However unlike english, HSC Maths builds up upon year...
  11. iforgotmyname

    People that didn't get a good ATAR, what did you tell your parents?

    You just have to tell them, there possibly will be consequences both physically and socially but it already happened and you cant really lie your way around it so the best thing to do is brace yourself and wait for the inevitable. However you should first think of a compromise ie explain to...
  12. iforgotmyname

    UNSW Engineering Options

    Do science 1st year, do similar electives ie Maths 1A and 1B, physics 1A, computing for engineers. You will miss out on some electives such as design but thats the only way to get in
  13. iforgotmyname

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Dam the nacl is real, i could use some of that in my cooking :) jks
  14. iforgotmyname

    MACQ S.Eng --> UNSW S.Eng?

    Have you applied for Feas at UNSW? Try to get into sydney's flexible first year as it has a mid 80s cutoff and pick software electives
  15. iforgotmyname

    summarized grammar points check off list

    Hi fellow BOSer's I am a recent graduate of the HSC who did Japanese continues as one of my subjects. Below is a link containing a summarized grammar points check off list which you can use (check off structure) while doing practice writing tasks...
  16. iforgotmyname

    UNSW or USYD

    UNSW masterrace unless your doing Acturary then its Maq
  17. iforgotmyname

    Post your 2015 ATAR here!

    Thanks :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. iforgotmyname

    Post your 2015 ATAR here!

    94.25 gg no re, engineer/10 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. iforgotmyname

    Most accurate atar calculator?

    No way its 71 no way Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk