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  1. fionarykim

    what textbook/s does you teacher use?

    we use 'Mira' there are like book A B and C they are really great! and set out really simply and easily (:
  2. fionarykim

    Whoes doing beginners HSC for this year 2012?

    im not doing beginners, but im doing continuers!! haha not many people doing spanish at all D:
  3. fionarykim

    I need some help about performing in front of people. Can you help me?

    oh my goodness!! i have done that before!! just completely stop in a performance and couldnt start properly again!! you know whats worse about that? is the fact that because its happened once u are too scared it will happen again and this would effect your next performance before your next...
  4. fionarykim

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    id like to do arts and education i think just study 2 languages maybe?
  5. fionarykim

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    Hahahaha yeh you do have a point!! hope i can be as lucky as your friendss!! the people i know, go to uni 4 days a week D: howw terrible HAHAHHA wohooo so pumped for year 12 and uni nwos :DD
  6. fionarykim

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    thats what im really hoping, to only have uni lets say 3 days max... is that possible though? :S dont know much about this stuff D:
  7. fionarykim

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    oohh reallyy?? the thing is at uni, i think u can sorta choose ur session times cant u? if i could i would make all my classes on the same like 2-3 days, so i dont have to waste too much time of travelling.. hope i can do that :O
  8. fionarykim

    Thoughts on UNSW open day?

    it was pree good, and ther was FREEEEEEE foood wooo UNSW does seem amazing, problem is i live in eastwood and i think it takes like one and a half hour to get there :S do u guys know how long it would take to usyd?? i hate wasting time of travel so i cant see myself travelling for 3 hrs...
  9. fionarykim

    Does finishing 8th grade piano, add extra atar points to you atar?

    ahhh yehhh i get it nows!! thanks guysss!! wish it would change HAHAHA ):
  10. fionarykim

    Does finishing 8th grade piano, add extra atar points to you atar?

    so its not direct bonus points to ur atar? as in its just you get atar points from your uni but ur actual atar number is the same? if that makes any sense? :S
  11. fionarykim

    Does finishing 8th grade piano, add extra atar points to you atar?

    ive heard if you finished 8th grade exam, and you pass you get bonus points in your atar is that true? also how does that work?? is it bonus points directly to your atar? or do you only get bonus points if you are doing a music related course in uni? :S thanks!
  12. fionarykim

    how much extra study is really needed for 4u?

    woow LOOL anyways just while we're on the topic of english, for those who say fk english really have to change their attitude now before its too late! ive never liked english myself, and not that i did bad, i didnt do good now that im almost in year 12, and advanced english can sometimes...
  13. fionarykim

    how much extra study is really needed for 4u?

    i agree, it would really depend on the person ofc if your smart you would find it alot easier to understand and therefore studying for that long may not be necessary Amundies, are you thinking of doing 4u next year? (:
  14. fionarykim

    how much extra study is really needed for 4u?

    so im currently in yr 11 and i have to make a choice of whether i want to move on to 4u i know it will be alot of work and effort, but if i can do well it will benefit me alot the problem is that i have alot of other pretty intense subjects, as im doing phys, adv english, spanish cont and bio...
  15. fionarykim

    better to be first in 3u maths or last in 4u?

    this is exactly what im hoping i can do! but ahh its going to be hard! thanks!
  16. fionarykim

    better to be first in 3u maths or last in 4u?

    yeah thats the problem ): because if i stay in 3u i'll be competing against the 4u ppl ><
  17. fionarykim

    better to be first in 3u maths or last in 4u?

    So atm im in year 11, and my rank for 3u is 11th out of about 40 people im pretty sure for next year, the 10 people in front of me will definately do 4u but i feel like 4u is a lil bit too much for me, so im just thinking maybe its better if i just stay in 3u, and come top but others are...
  18. fionarykim

    Current method used to monitor biodiversity in an australian eco system??

    HAHHA its cool i found it! monitoring biodiversity is basically just keeping watch of our diversity of animals so scientists can learn more about them and make sure their not decreasing and stuff :P just for ur future references ahhaha
  19. fionarykim

    10 or 12 units for year 12?

    11 !!! HAHAH tbh im going to do 11 next year, i think 12 is good if you are not sure that u will do very well in every subject, as the last 2 units act as backup but for me, i dont want to spend extra time studying for subjects that will not be counted in my atar so i do 11, one unit for...
  20. fionarykim

    Prelim Textbook Question?? Conqering Chem, Jacaranda or Chem in Context??

    i use conquering chem because i think its pretty amazing chemistry in context is alittle :l for me conquering chem has everything set out really well with explanations to questions and everything also prettier book too :P HHAHA