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  1. iforgotmyname

    4unit maths in 2unit

    naaa, just in case they give some intergrate ln(x). I don't wanna do it the long way. Just lazy ahaah
  2. iforgotmyname

    4unit maths in 2unit

    Hey BOSer's, I have been wondering this question for a while now. If I use integration by parts in a 2 unit exam would I penalised?
  3. iforgotmyname

    Band 6 Physics

    How may people get band 6 for physics on average?
  4. iforgotmyname

    Playing video games during Year11/12

    Period from trials to HSC you can game for a bit... Just a bit
  5. iforgotmyname

    Another Chem question.

    Oh yeah, btw the sulfuric acid made from SO3 + H2O = H2SO4 is sort of diluted cause water is involved.
  6. iforgotmyname

    Another Chem question.

    Its what happens in coke bottles. If you open the lid, the pressure decreases therefore the backward reaction with co(g) is favoured. This is why you hear that pissss sound If you shake the lid you increase the pressure. Therefore if you open the bottle under high pressure, all of the...
  7. iforgotmyname

    Independent Trials 2015

    ^Yeah i think i was. Maybe your school is like my school and got bits and pieces from the papers this year and made your paper
  8. iforgotmyname


    Just some banta, but i probs could if i tried really hard. But then whats the point
  9. iforgotmyname


    Basically you should be able to understand 90 percent of anime without subtitles, that's the expectation of Jap continuers if you did well in the course. If you did shit, then keep on using your jimaku
  10. iforgotmyname

    Choosing a university

    The real question is: would you rather do Engineering in a castle or a modern building
  11. iforgotmyname

    Electrical/chemical/biomedical engineering

    These types of degrees are called flexible first year where you can choose different electives from different disciplines. You can read more here
  12. iforgotmyname

    Is this a good combination?

    Japanese continuers scales really good (better/ equal to sciences) and a relatedly simple course if you are kanji background and like watching a lot of anime/ Japanese drama. But two languages with sciences might be kind of overkill, although its gonna pull in a lot of marks in term of raw...
  13. iforgotmyname


    well in physics there is F= BILsin(a) or torque= f x d x sin(a)
  14. iforgotmyname

    School scandals!

    Can I use this for my discovery creative?
  15. iforgotmyname

    Trial Paper Question

    photographic film only gives you a qualitative measurement whereas Geiger counters give you a quantitative measurement. These two isotopes are beta-emitters but the photographic film doesn't tell you that whereas Geiger does And its already on the clothing so photographic film wont do much...
  16. iforgotmyname

    Trials > HSC?

    CSSA Maths papers are quite hard actually
  17. iforgotmyname

    How to increase photocurrent

    Well current is defined as the number of electron flowing in circuit and intensity is defined as number of photons. If frequency is larger than threshold frequency and intensity increases, more electron will be liberated from the lattice. If you increase the frequency you only increase the ke...
  18. iforgotmyname

    Independent Trials 2015

    Did the multiple choice last. So funny how they screwed the question for glucose C6H12 instead of C6H1206
  19. iforgotmyname

    2015 independent paper physics

    The projectile motion is werid. each grid was 10x10. pretty troll actually. What did everyone get for the vertical velocity? I got 5.8 or something like that
  20. iforgotmyname

    Independent Trials 2015

    Was pretty easy overall, I got kind of put off by the oxidation state question though lol. And the changing ethanol to ethanoic acid was definitely sometime new