Search results

  1. MaNiElla

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    None. But I have met the Power Puff girls, Wonder Woman, Batman, those guys from Poilce Acadamy and a couple of Looney Toon characters :D I hope they count! ^_^
  2. MaNiElla


    I hate this show so much!! Gaaaahh :mad:
  3. MaNiElla

    Japan or Hawaii

    I'd definately go to Hawaii over Japan. So go for Hawaii! :D
  4. MaNiElla


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! Hey Morbo! :) I have just finished watching The Shape Of Things To Come, Something Nice Back Home, and Cabin Fever, I must admit that they were all pretty good. But, the whole series is getting confusing and there are some stuff that i just dont get...
  5. MaNiElla

    Weet Bix... how do you eat them?

    Yeah, i have my WeetBix pretty much like Pace_T I add cold milk to my 2 1/2 peices of weet bix, i also add alot of honey 2 it, like 2 table spoons, sometimes more. I'll slice up a banana and some strawberries if i have some, but, no honey = no weetbix for me :) But tbhhh, i really cant imagine...
  6. MaNiElla

    How do you have your coffee?

    I drink it in so many different ways, depending on my mood. If i want to drink it just for the flavour, i add a tea spoon of coffee to my milk. If i want to drink it so i can pull off an all nighter, i add like a little tinsy bit of milk, to my cup of water, then i'll add around 1-2 tea spoons...
  7. MaNiElla

    Do you like your degree?

    Yep! My hard work's finally paying off! ^_^
  8. MaNiElla

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    No. Palestinians cherish, and treasure their olive trees, orange trees, and all their harvest. Their farms were dramatically destroyed when the Israeli army began bulldozing and forcefully stealing their farms off them thank you very much!
  9. MaNiElla

    Austrian woman kept captive by dad, had 7 children [INCEST WARNING: Part II]

    oooOOOoooh, you're all orange and pretty now! How nice ^_^
  10. MaNiElla

    Handball. It's still my best friend.

    yeah, I used to play that game in primary school, and all through highschool, till year 10. *sighs* the good ol' days.
  11. MaNiElla

    What should i eat/do to reduce the wrinkles/dry skin

    You can say that you're buying it for someone...assmuming that you already know the product that you need :p Not like the girl will remember you anyway ;)
  12. MaNiElla


    If you want to prevent having them, the best thing to do is to moisturize your whole body (or the places where they may develop), on regular basis. I sometimes see those um, fat chicks who have them on their arms, near their shoulders, and its not a pretty sight imo.
  13. MaNiElla


    Why thank you!! Well, I hope you also enjoy these: Last one is my favourite :o
  14. MaNiElla

    UWS vs Harvard

    lol *giggles*
  15. MaNiElla


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! omg... *rushes off to download it* brb ^_^
  16. MaNiElla

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    Stop making up bullshit, you filthy zionist. Try hard :) *wiggles little pinky finger in aryan beauty's face*
  17. MaNiElla

    live action Dragonball movie

    The characters better be hawt :o because they dont look all that good in the some of the pics :\