At our school, you won't get a zero if you hand it in late unless you don't tell the school previously of why it is handed in late.
Yeh, and IF it is handed in late, its 25% off our awarded mark for every day it's late.
I'm a major procrastinator as I leave all my assessments till the night before, but because I always finish by 12 or earlier, the whole sleeping pattern really doesnn't phase me. So then, it doesn't really ever encourage me to start any other assessments any earlier.
Except my physics one...
1) Age? 17
2) Gender? Female
3) Which country/ies were your parents born? Vietnam
4) What country do they/you live in now, and how long (approximately) have they lived there? Australia - 20 years
5) Does your parents’ cultural background cause conflict in your family?
Never? rarely...
I completed my ISP two nights before it was due, cause I had a chem assessment due on the same day.
Doesn't take that long cause my essay was only like 1000-1500 words, and they make it seem like that's really difficult.
My teachers tell us that the tensing doesn't matter so much in the senior years, they only really stress it for years 7-10. But I tend to use past tense just in case.