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  1. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-


    and 3rd yr actuarial students have to do it in sem1 so ur gonna have a luvly time
  2. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    tutors @ mac

    its marks based in that i remember them sayn u needed a high credit in accg100
  3. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    u dont really sit ur exams to become AIAA if u do a double degree at mq uni. coz u do control cycles in ur 4th yr so assuming u get credits in all ur exemption subjects u don't need to sit external exams. u'd only sit external exams if u didnt get cr in exemption subjects at uni and u dun wanna...
  4. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    tutors @ mac

    i fink ur already too late for pal. the guy who organises PAL is meant to do lecture announcement b4 end of yr... for accg100 pal i remember u needed a high credit like 72%. u fill in a form sayn y u wanna b pal leader. then they put u in group interview. and if u get thru, most ppl dun end...
  5. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    feng we get annual leave.. bwahaha for the 17 days i worked in december i accumulated 1.34 days annual leave hehe
  6. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    we got holidays on 28th and 29th. got asked if we wanted to work on 30th and 31st so we said ye coz man every cent im a total workaholic now...get there early...leave late and get kicked out by admin. luving it... then got today off..2day is..3rd of jan? going back 2moro!
  7. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    wot the! sif diss actuarial chicks! i had the same question in my head b4 i enrolled but dude I was shocked! acst chicks rock! and they understand wen u say "shuddup dun call me i gotta me again after exams in 2 months ye?" (jk). we got ppl like bigredboof its hot =p...
  8. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    about 180 ppl started, about 10 of them were aussie or caucasion. about 10 were middle eastern. about 20-30 are indian/sri lankans. the rest r azn. about 20 would be internationals. mainly from shanghai and malaysia
  9. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    [b]SIBT[/b] merged with another sibt thread

    ye but if they werent "conversational retarded" they'd cain u even more =p
  10. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Postgrad ACST

    its a subjective question.. im waitn for isaaq to answer it using wot happened to him last week... but i'll also add that if ur tryn to argue which uni is the best to do acst in the world, some may argue macquarie. but i dun fink any1 would argue unsw at this stage.
  11. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    [b]SIBT[/b] merged with another sibt thread

    well u'd have an english advantage over the international students... i met someone yesterday who juz came to australia and was gonna so sibt in 2005...she couldnt understand most of the things i was sayn in english coz she reckons i was talkn too fast...but i dun fink the lecturers will speak...
  12. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    What is so good about Acst???

    i was talkn to sum1 who works at macq bank yesterday morning on train and he was telling me how ubs has a competition re. option pricing and the actuaries always do well coz the accountants etc dont really get wots going on.. so i fink any quantitative actuary is prefered.
  13. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Quick Question (:

    ye u can authorize someone to do it. i was overseas during enrolment period last yr and i got cousin to do it. u need to fill out a form before hand and get it authorised (cant remember exactly) and give it to person u giving permission to. he will present that form on day of enrolment and enrol...
  14. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    speaking of bonuses i worked for mq uni for like 3 hrs this yr at an actuarial info morning. i got paid like 70 sumfin. and now i juz got a $100 xmas bonus from them coz they give it to all mq staff.. dats funni
  15. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    So what are the people like at Mac

    i heard there was some n00b amateur frat in dlc?...or wassit rmc.. *shrugs* juz heard..
  16. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    we're at bondi junction. dats..east not north, not south ^^ ye ye sry i meant cd and mp3. sry im juz too busy these days to think and type at same time. me and the receptionists were talkn about our mobile fones this arvo and then ceo came and we were like ah crap but he joined in haha...
  17. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    haha its aiight im kinda on a spending spree.. i bought panasonic discman dat plays cd and discman. enuff for office use. it was abit over 100 bux.. i bought another mobile 2day haha. 3's LG U8120. ive become 1 of those ppl who carry 2 fones....xcept both my fones kick ass ^^...well the...
  18. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    dang...320 aint that cheap. its 399 here. i short circuited my discman at work 2day... i was clicking my mouse and listening to music and the batteries ran out...then i realised nam the clever mofo was using an adaptor! but i dint bring one! but i was like man its only 11am...i cant survive...
  19. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    What is so good about Acst???

    ..theres like alot of these threads in the actuarial studies section... im sure u'll find tons of info and opinions on this ^^
  20. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    acturial studies (im in 12)

    if u dont have connections wiv the industry then get involved with extra curricular stuff like actuarial student society and you'll get chances to come into contact with them. in terms of tips for getting a job, as long as ur not failing all ur subjects, it's all about doing extra curricular...