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  1. stazi

    UAC now open!

    OMG FUCK YEAHH!!!! ITS OPEN!!!!!! woooo
  2. stazi

    a rim job?

    a rim job?
  3. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    hahahaha yes you are.
  4. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    yeah, wish i could now. fucking karma. fucking everything.
  5. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    everything's so fucked up :( :( :(
  6. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    speaking of hardening the fuck up, i got stupidly drunk yesterday and fucked her. hmm. haven't spoken to her since, yet.
  7. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    she would go for an open relationship. but that implies i cant hook up with other ppl in front of her. which i dont want to opt her. and i'll show u a pic of my cock if you want. It's smaller than 7.5 inches.
  8. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    but how can i not get drunk around her considering we go to the same places. i'm not going to turn sober just in case i get analraped by her.
  9. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    haha that's my exact thinking at present. the next day after realising how much I liked her (and not hooking up with her the day we saw the movie) I called up a girl and asked her on a date so I could be slutty and it helped. then again, i don't trust myself drunk around her.
  10. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    yeah i told her i just want to be friends. but guys and girls can't really be friends. particularly in a situgaytion like this. plus ill know ill prob just get drunk and sex her.
  11. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    Because I don't want to wake up in 5 years married to her and think - shit, i really didn't have much of a youth. Also, because I'm really shallow and although she's cute, she's not 'wow-hot!'. I'd prefer to date someone wow-hot. No, she could not. Neo was the one and he already has a...
  12. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    Yeah, it's not so much about the guy, but rather what I want my next steps to be. I'm hypocritical in that I can get jealous, though. I've had no problem being in an open relationship with multiple girls at once, but I do get jealous if a girl is with other guys, particularly if I care about...
  13. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    the problem is that it's very difficult to remain friends with someone you have such strong feelings for. and plus in this case she wants to be more than friends. if i do go out with her, it'll still end up with heartbreak for one of us. which will lead to lost friendship. and i will probably...
  14. stazi

    So I like this girl and don't know what to do.

    Serious post for once. Except I'll insert random cum and gay jokes. tl;dr version: I'm a massive faggot who enjoys sucking on black dick and molesting future faggots who are underaged in toilets then rimming them whilst they're doing shits whilst gargling their semen and spitting it out in my...
  15. stazi

    Straight guys and receiving anal

    awesome, thanks for the insight. im now gay
  16. stazi

    Straight guys and receiving anal

    only in the pants
  17. stazi

    Straight guys and receiving anal

    women are weak and less. and yeah, it can intensify the orgasm and i'm sure it feels great (after all taking a dump can be quite pleasurable). however, it's not really something that is stimulating psychologically. i'd have to be quite drunk to contemplate it.
  18. stazi

    Speed Dating

    i think it would be fun to do. i wouldn't do it to necessarily pick up, but more for the comedic possibilities.
  19. stazi

    how long can you last without sex, masturbation & porn?

    palestine's a very dumb country lol :mad1: