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  1. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    what happened to the member list function?
  2. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    how do ewe see your rank/
  3. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    whoa, that means they were like thousands of billions of points ahead. usercp says 2060 pts - im guessing that scaling back means each rep is worth less (I thought I was on tens of thousands before).
  4. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    was it cos i pseudo-negrepped you lazz? that was a joke! i knew you could arbitrarily add and take away boxes from members anyway.
  5. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    yeah same thing happened to me. heaps of boxes disappeared?
  6. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    hahha wtf happened? my rep seems to have fallen by heaaaaps overnight, but no one negatively repped me?
  7. stazi

    Asos is l33t

    "yeah looks awesome"
  8. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    I'd like to fix Lazarus :shy:
  9. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    lazarus is so cool :shy:
  10. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    hahaha im going to neg you hard. anally.
  11. stazi

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    hahahah i saw ppl putting up 'stop the war on gaza' posters. theyre 1 week too late.
  12. stazi

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    oh congrats :)
  13. stazi

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    can u actually become a gold member? im guessing that there is a cap set now.
  14. stazi

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    i might actually go too. bos meatup?
  15. stazi

    Age Difference

    would u like a guy 10 years older?
  16. stazi

    Soundwave 09

    is there a special soundwave happening for homosexuals?
  17. stazi

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    any of them. i somehow doubt there'll be another flash flood
  18. stazi

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    am i allowed :(
  19. stazi

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    fucking make bioshock 2 already
  20. stazi

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    game maker? more like GAY MAKER!