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    Solid state devices: implications for society and the environment

    microchips and integrated circuits have revolutionised the way in which products , such as computers,PDA's and other eloctronic devices have been made PORTABLE due to the fact that size has been reduced considerably. prior to the profound use of solid states, thermionic devices were used...
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    Overall Yearly Rank and Expected UAI

    wierdoz do ur socialisin' elsewhere
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    The Simpsons

    Rodd And Todd The Little Poofz
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    bold and the beautiful

    have u realised the shit plot has continued to grow shitter by the day!
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    Having crushes with someone YOUNGER THAN YOU??? OMG

    it aint so bad.. one of my mates hes 17 years old going out with this 27 yr old chikk.. and apprently.. she just got pregnant !
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    Overall Yearly Rank and Expected UAI

    anniyan who are u!! im at homebush too.. :S
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    Yep, another one!!

    looking at those ranks im sure your looking in the vicinity of 90 - 97 .. no doubts about it.. and that freak who said low 60's must be doing his/her hsc on some other planet!
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    getting UAI early

    im guessing they confirm them and all.. after all u cant expect them to be given to u the minute they are actually figured out.. oh and i'll also add a bit of laziness
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    Assessment Ranks And Expected Uai

    yeah cheerz for ur advice..though it wasnt what i was expecting ..OR BELIVE .. for that matter.. 75 - 80 isnt even an option for me.. so yeah.. oh and btw.. i put the marks i expect ( after looking at my final school assessment marks) and the uai is coming close to .. if not slightly higher...
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    stupid SHM signs

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    stupid SHM signs

    SHM IS THE SHITTEST TOPIC IN THE EXTENSION 1 COURSE !..and it aint very "simple" as they call it
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    Assessment Ranks And Expected Uai

    hi there.. im just wondering what sort of UAI i can expect with the following ranks.. english (standard) - 1 / 112 2 unit maths - 6/ 99 3 unit maths - 25 /99 business studies -15 /50 economics - 9 / 40 physics - 10 / 70 appreciate ur advice.. cheerz btw.. i go to homebush...
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    scool ranks and expected UAI ?

    hi guys, i'd appreciate it if someone tells me what sort of UAI im lookin at with the following ranks : English (standard) - 1 2 unit maths - 6 3 unit maths- 25 physics - 10 economics - 9 business studies - 15 thanks alot..