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  1. Rahul

    comp115: ass3 and ass4

    wouldnt be too diff would it? didnt you post the code for the first one, and it was the same question.
  2. Rahul

    Have you been caught "jigging" by BOS or Police?

    i saw a group of yr 12 punks from my high school when i was going to uni on monday around 2.40, in mufti. i should have called the school. an anon. tip off! :D
  3. Rahul

    What is the macq campus like?

    yeh, it reminds me of home actually. the whole 'hole'-ness of it.
  4. Rahul

    What is the macq campus like?

    it is a hole most other campuses look way better
  5. Rahul

    comp115: ass3 and ass4

    do any oldies have the questions to assignment 3 and 4 from last yr for comp115?:D thanks. :) edit: from a source that shall remain disclosed: But I remember ass3 was one where we made a class and used a text file containing words (like a dictionary). User was prompted to enter words and...
  6. Rahul

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    yeh you hvae to be there, unfortunately. on estudent?
  7. Rahul

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    marking criteria: readability - variable names, indentation (2 marks) documentation - useful comments (2 marks) elegance of code- small functions, simple logic, no redundant code (2 marks) bonus question (2 marks) they get marked during your prac. got full marks!! :D :cool:
  8. Rahul

    Important: SC LIST

    heheheh meeeh tooooo1!!!! i will b doin teh skool certifikate dis yr. hooorray 4 mee!!!!!11
  9. Rahul

    Bob Emery vs CSU

    hmm...why would you want to pick one. use both...!
  10. Rahul


    no one. if the start 'tugging' at the exact same time, they wont move.
  11. Rahul

    stat171 q2(d)

    lol, i want to beat actuaries. :D:D rahulEgo++; :p
  12. Rahul

    bcomm cut-off at mac

    yeh...i didnt pass a single in-school 3u test i think :p
  13. Rahul

    prac / tute times

    dont be sorry, it was my fault your legs were cuffed strongly enough.
  14. Rahul

    Has anyone started on COMP115 Assigment 1? I need help!

    #include [iomanip]* ? *< > instead of [ ]
  15. Rahul

    prac / tute times

    we can do it on the bored!!! then others can join in would be a huge love fest. those tables are too small, i have bumped my head many a times.
  16. Rahul

    stat171 q2(d)

    i got 30/30!!! :D:D
  17. Rahul

    prac / tute times

    hmm...they dun have msn in them rooms! :mad1:
  18. Rahul

    i dont like motors and generators

    motors isnt bad. just need to remember the big rules and apply them almost everywhere. like lenz's law.
  19. Rahul

    little help

    use the right hand screw rule to find the direction of mag field in each wire and then use mag rule [opposite charges attract, similar charges repel] to find the activity in the place where the two mag fields cut.
  20. Rahul

    prac / tute times

    actually, changed again...room110. same time. you in 112?