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  1. underthesun

    Post your timetable!

    skip teh lectures!
  2. underthesun

    Obtaining ID Cards

    Re: ID Cards available from 16th Jan (old students) speaking about card holders, some first year guy got his ID card just before I got mine and he ordered 2 of those. I didn't want to lose, so I ordered one as well. Now what will this be used for.. Maybe to pose as a help desk person? :)
  3. underthesun

    B Commerce ROLL CALL

    finance (supposedly). Doing the equivalent of part time commerce here ;) (and in less duration too), which is called software engineering/commerce.
  4. underthesun

    Post your timetable!

    Damn, that was about time I see someone using 800x600 again..
  5. underthesun

    Post your timetable!

    holy crap, thats even worse than mine :o
  6. underthesun

    Post your timetable! I know, I've got too much time :p
  7. underthesun

    Lectures followed by tutorials

    If you want to leave without having bad looks, try to pretend you got a call from someone? I think some first year maths lecturers are pretty tough on people going late to the lecture, probably as bad when you leave before the lecture ends.. I've left lectures before, but only when the lecturer...
  8. underthesun

    software engineering - uts or unsw?

    UAI cutoff has nothing to do with course quality. Actually, if you look at the course by UAI, UNSW wins: Do it at unsw, one of my mentees was a transfer student from UTS.. can you see anyone transferring from unsw? And yeah, we have to do industrial...
  9. underthesun

    Lectures followed by tutorials

    well when you start skipping lectures, I guess it won't really matter ;) but if you're not planning to skip them, it might not be a good idea because you'd be so bored of what you learned in the lecture, that going on about the same subject in the class would bore you to death and therefore...
  10. underthesun

    changes to cse courses

    Maybe one day CSE will follow MIT (and the american geeks) with teaching lisp. Been hearing too much hype about it on reddit and slashdot..
  11. underthesun

    id -- unibar

    I drank my first bottle of beer there without being very thoroughly checked :)
  12. underthesun

    Bleak future for Western Society

    sounds like someone jealous over other "engineering" titles that are easier to achieve. Even if the name is "tainted" by crappy engineering wannabe degrees, real employers will always still be able to distinguish good engineers from bad ones. It's not like having the term "engineer" suddenly...
  13. underthesun

    FINAL Semester 2 Exam Timetable

    yesh, all exams finished, walked out of project management 45 minutes after it started, 75 minutes spent at randwick instead ;)
  14. underthesun


    They ask that kind of question? Forget it, I take back my words about making kids smarter. It's encouraging crammers :/ noo memories of me being hit by cane rods for not answering questions properly back in 2nd year primary school :/ but i have to be thankful since the skill learnt is put...
  15. underthesun

    FINAL Semester 2 Exam Timetable

    3 down, 1 to go :) Aww yeah, time to cram 14 weeks of lectures in 4 hours
  16. underthesun


    hmm.. true, esp with that 100 :p Congrats btw, thats pretty amazing. And I think that brainiest kids show really encourages parents to cane kids for not doing well at school. We're moving closer to getting student suicides ala japan :o then again it's probably the education minister's...
  17. underthesun


    I don't post mine in anticipation of girls flocking to me and their dads proposing me for marriage :p anyways its still going to be a while.. I still got 2 exams to go, why are yous talking about results already?
  18. underthesun

    What do you use?

    people with laptop dont seem to use them on lectures. The ones that do seems to use it to watch movies and play games, distracting people beyond. But, if I get one, i'd probably be one of those people who distracts others too.. or do the next assignment in advance (specs gotten from recon ;) )
  19. underthesun

    FINAL Semester 2 Exam Timetable

    you're kidding, what did you do to your assignments :o p.s your post combined with your sig is depressing, lighten up dude ;)
  20. underthesun


    you liked the course? content-wise, it could have been great. execution-wise, it was the worst ever (05s1 that is)