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  1. underthesun

    Task 1

    In that case, it's best to actually muck around with haskell, do the labs early, read up some haskell tutorial on the web. You learn programming best by doing.
  2. underthesun

    Task 1

    Well, you can load up ghci and do ghci > solve blah Where blah is some number (room ID). Of course, this is after you implement the function. Richard's giving you that module, and that notation just basically means the stuff (function and data types) exported from the module, that you...
  3. underthesun

    study areas in the library

    I thought it's scattered around the actual library, many seats around the bookshelves.. if you go to the higher levels of the library though, there should be more seats, and plus the view is amazing. It's generally a quiet place as well. Even quieter at the higher levels, in my experience.
  4. underthesun

    Hows your First Week?

    first year's luck ;) or more like first year's charm..
  5. underthesun

    Hows your First Week?

    Reminds me of myself last year.. some people are just.. cold. But fortunately some are not of course :D This year, I have to approach every person who does kendo as a potential "gimme a lift" friend ;) of course, thats not gonna happen :p
  6. underthesun

    unsw on saturday

    Whoa serious? I never knew they were so strict..
  7. underthesun

    unsw on saturday

    Some classes run at saturday, for example Badminton Club. Otherwise I'd expect a nice place to skateboard and shoot a movie, do photography, or go on a date ;) maybe not on the last one..
  8. underthesun

    SENG Students - TAS Enrolment for INFS1603

    I went to a commerce lab and logged in as "tstudent" with no password. Then the TAS access was just there. took so long just to figure that out though, asking around didnt give too much result too tho :/
  9. underthesun

    Post Your Timetable

    "Ja Du" haha that name now sounds like a rapper's Search this forum for threads on discrete.. lots of tips in the lines of "skip the lectures" ;) I'm not liable for low marks caused due to skipping too much though
  10. underthesun

    Post Your Timetable

    and respect you give to multitudes of student who does SENG or COMPSCI, they get to do 12 units of maths on introduction to uni ;)
  11. underthesun

    Post Your Timetable

    thats.. 26 hours? O_O did anyone get more than that?
  12. underthesun

    Not enrolled????

    RELAX you're not the only one. in fact, there's been many threads on this already.
  13. underthesun

    first day

    Oh phew.. i guess its not gonna be that bad.. On the other hand, I just got a mentee. Mwa ha ha, even tho i was definitely the last registered mentor ever :p
  14. underthesun

    Student diaries?

    the queue was so long.. or was that the queue for student cards? BEGIN_SHAMELESS_PROMOTION screw diaries, use this instead, made by a unsw guy :p END_SHAMELESS_PROMOTION
  15. underthesun

    which clubs/societies to join?

    Just come 30 minutes before the wednesday one, and ask to join up. It's scary too, but if many newcomers come, it would be less scary ;)
  16. underthesun

    first day

    2711 lecturer said one assignment every week. Got one due this friday and he said he's not sadistic that makes 3 assignments so far :/
  17. underthesun

    which clubs/societies to join?

    No.. that 30 bucks was 10 bucks membership + 20 bucks beginners course. So yeah, join kendo :D (I'd hate to be the only newbie there) From what i heard, wednesday 7:00 - 9:00 is for all beginners, so it shouldn't be too harsh for newbies like me. They said the monday ones though, is full of...
  18. underthesun

    Post Your Timetable

    ugh crap.. that was classified info.. please disregard I'm gonna be soo screwed now.. last semester, one of my courses had a clash with itself.. So yeah, it was pretty common.
  19. underthesun

    Post Your Timetable
  20. underthesun

    which clubs/societies to join?

    I joined kendo.. 30 bucks and this month's trainings better be good =) Oh and jitsu has a free first session, its monday 8-10 at bulding E9 (dance studio). A tad too late at night for me tho :/ There's HELLSOC too, and I'm pretty sure there's many more. The most probable reason is with all...