Your score: 361 keys per minute ~ 72 words per minute
Language/mode: en
Ranking: That was fast - you can still improve, though.
Comparison: 26% of registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 74% have a lower or equal result.
w00t :p
You CAN do a double major in commerce in com/arts
It would be good if you researched this yourself, its on the site, major is 8 subjects (48 units), minor is 4 subjects (24 units), co-major is 7 subjects (42 units)
Fair enough, 2 years ago I was heavy in hard trance, then got into prog then some psy/goa and melodic/uplifting trance.
Nowadays I really enjoy the good vocalling, gotta find their cds now.
So essentially, if i wanted to transfer to commerce then i could do the core subjects next semester?
Hmm, if i got a 92.45 what WAM would it require to transfer to commerce?
I have ISOS3, that wasn't so bad.
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect yours. I'm just in a phase at the moment, and I like the melodic ones, anything with great vocals and i'm sold.
Have you listened to Just Be yet?
top dj's really get good money, imagine tiesto at dutch dimension :), imagine how much it would cost to hire all those djs for something like godskitchen global gathering :o