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  1. axlenatore

    2 exams in one day !

  2. axlenatore

    Most Overrated Games

    halo series all mmorpgs solitare
  3. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    but the majority of people dont know that antiobiotics only kill bacteria therefore they are probably jsut doing to bring out a drug to raise people morale
  4. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    just got a fender strat a couple of months ago, buying left handed anything is a bitch, i went to get a new acoustic like two years ago when i was doing classical guitar cause the one i had been using for all the exams and everything was my mums old cheap right handed acoustic restrung to left...
  5. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    guitar lefty pride mate
  6. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    hehe pumpkin pickers what instrument do you play oli?
  7. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    today this guy was going around the breann room giving out free newspapers, and i was with about 6 friends, i had my sisters ipod in, and i had her noise cancelling headphones, and i said "ill have one if they are free, i can use it as scrap paper", i meant to say it to the person next to me...
  8. axlenatore

    When there are two or more solutions, do you use OR or AND?

    dont use or, that infers that only one of them is an answer, its best just to use at "," ie (x+2)(x+1) = 0 x = -2,-1 or sin x = 0.5 for 0<x<pi x = pi/6, 5pi/6
  9. axlenatore

    who plays guitar here

    i need to restring my acoustic and both my electrics, currently my crapper electric guitar is turned to standard c has been for a while, im just too lazy to restring them
  10. axlenatore

    Common food that YOU have never eaten or avoided.

    mushrooms cucumber zuchini eggplant anchovies spinch coliflower sushi plain rice (ie rice by its self) mangoes and many others things
  11. axlenatore

    what size bed?

    king single woot a bed i fit on...just
  12. axlenatore

    How gay are you?

    wow ive got the lowest score so far, haha
  13. axlenatore

    How gay are you?

    10%, its says im too straight
  14. axlenatore

    PIP Questionnaire On Twins (twins & non-twins can answer)

    1. Are you a twin or a singleton? o Singleton (skip to question 3) o Twin 2. What type of twin are you? o Identical o Fraternal 3. Do you feel that growing up you and your sibling/s received relatively ‘equal’, treatment from parents? o Yes o No 4. Do you co-operate better with those who are...
  15. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    haha im fine with chemistry and maths they are all old work but i only just realised how fucked i am for physics
  16. axlenatore

    has anyone ever had this feeling before

    well after watching this video i have
  17. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    cbf going to uni tomorrow, oh well ill find someway of dragging myself out of bed, getting to uni and doing some welding and some other shit, got i hate 9 hour days at uni and these are my shortest :mad1:
  18. axlenatore

    prove it for me plz

    did what eh ;)
  19. axlenatore

    Club soccer? ANYONE PLAY?

    Unless you played a high level of rep, which club soccer infers not then you wouldnt have played 45 minutes halves otherwise whatever district you are in is wrong. Im both a referee and a player, i play all age which since im not in the top division is only 40 minute halves. 40 minutes, only...