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  1. chocolate_lover

    Class of 2007: Roll Call

    THE exam is almost upon us... good luck everyone!
  2. chocolate_lover

    What now?

    Between now and the start of next year, I'm probably just going to take it easy, and probably just party and socialise with school friends while I still can. I'm going to be having a gap year, in which I might be getting a job or going to TAFE or doing a traineeship or something. I've got nfi...
  3. chocolate_lover

    Year 12 Farewell Song

    Haha, that's really cool, :) Lol @ everyone getting embarrassed. :D I'm just curious... what was said about you? ;)
  4. chocolate_lover

    2008 NRL Premiership

    After writing my previous post here, yes I have. But wow, some of the things Willie has said makes it sound like he really is going to be a Rooster next year, such as: At first I wasn't sure about him possibly coming (although I'm still a little bit wary about it) but I do remember how he...
  5. chocolate_lover

    Your Exam Supervisors

    Same here, haha. Someone ate a lollipop during one of our exams. But it was annoying, because it was pretty noisy. :(
  6. chocolate_lover

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Especially with his shoulders, haha. :) But yeah, I agree. And for Mason, I heard that if he goes, at least 4 other Bulldogs will leave too. I can't wait for the Bulldogs to fall to pieces. :D:D
  7. chocolate_lover

    Holiday Season Jobs(Christmas)

    If you call them, it will show you are eager too.
  8. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    Are you fucking serious? Then what was it to do with? Like wuddie said, do you think it was a coincidence? Obviously Freddy brought a change of attitude to the players - and it was evident in how they played. And why do you still come to this thread - you're always so fucking negative, and...
  9. chocolate_lover

    doubling up

    If it is appropriate for the question, then I say go for it. :uhhuh: Good luck btw.
  10. chocolate_lover

    Your Exam Supervisors

    Yeah, mine are alright, I can't complain. We've been having late forties to 60-year-old women. When they talk (rarely though) it's inaudible, which is good. But they don't seem to have a personality ie. they don't joke around with us, or talk to us on a first name basis or anything, like a...
  11. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    :( Haha. I do remember though, as soon as we got a new coach (Freddy :D), we went from wooden spoon contenders, to almost making the Top 8! :)
  12. chocolate_lover

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    That's the way I saw it. I wrote at least something down for each question... whether or not it was just me rewriting the question, or actually working it out.
  13. chocolate_lover

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    I put down February 2011, because my birthday's in February, and February 2010 didn't sound right. :o
  14. chocolate_lover

    Usyd Study Survival Kit

    I got mine today, as I was leaving to go to school. :D Haha, it delayed me by at least 5 minutes - that yo-yo is cool! AND it lights up! :D Oh, and that stress ball is good for when BoS is going slow. :)
  15. chocolate_lover

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    Haha. :) Yeah some of the last minute cramming I did was actually in the test, which I was surprised/happy about.
  16. chocolate_lover

    No more maths. :D

    Are you glad that you never have to experience High School Maths ever again?
  17. chocolate_lover

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course there were some dodgy questions, but there were also ones that I recognised. :)
  18. chocolate_lover

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    On Friday I went shopping at Birkenhead Point. -2 pairs of shoes (one was black with a kitten heel, the other a bronze/silver stiletto). -A bag (same colour as the stiletto) -A dress (it's purple and orange - it's a lot nicer than it sounds)