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  1. James747

    hk -airplane

    virgin atlantic tends to be slightly cheaper than cathay pacific. Cathay now uses its new economy class seats on all sydney flights, which have a "fixed back" design so if the person in front reclines it doesn't intrude your space (check cathay's website and you'll get what i mean). I haven't...
  2. James747

    hk -airplane

    Viva Macau offers the cheapest fares overall, but they're a no frills airline so expect nothing more than a seat. AS said, you'll have to transfer by ferry after you arive at Macau. For direct flights, Virgin and Cathay are your next best options. Great selection of movies and service (for...
  3. James747

    aviation (pilot)

    this is correct
  4. James747

    aviation (pilot)

    well, they mustve changed the dates. i remember reading in uac or sthg that they were due in september. the interview wasa breeze - if u compare it to the qantas one xD
  5. James747

    aviation (pilot)

    is ur source reliable?
  6. James747

    aviation (pilot)

    internal applications were due back in september or sthg, and interviews have been done loooong ago.... i got my one done like a month ago
  7. James747

    How many people around here have chem as their last exam?

    i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!
  8. James747

    How Have You Changed?

    learn that success comes after failure (still learning)
  9. James747

    where wld u go?

  10. James747


    I started freaking out when I saw the extract bit... but then when i read the question to ask me to use it as a starting point then I felt much better...
  11. James747

    Biased Marking

    interesting though but when a marker is reading a few thousand papers i highly doubt they have the time to bother about the small things. I do think if u hav really ugly writing it may affect ur marks (like me xD)
  12. James747

    General thoughts: Mathematics

    so much easier than i expected. I was so glad to be able to get 9 and 10 done in one go. Hopefully a band 6 :P
  13. James747

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? 3-U: WTH?!?! Enough said.
  14. James747

    General Thoughts: Japanese Beginners

    haha...that was same with my sis when she done her exam
  15. James747

    General Thoughts: Japanese Beginners

    O.o I thought people who wrote the papers weren't allowed to be school teachers at the same time...
  16. James747

    how many pages per section?

    3 supplementary texts? O_O i prepared two but only used one as it only asked at least one.... if u done 3 it'll likely affect your marks as you wouldnt be able to discuss about frontline to the required depth.
  17. James747

    General Thoughts: Japanese Beginners

    haha...slutty? did u write that down in the comparison?
  18. James747

    General Thoughts: Japanese Beginners

    The new syllabus for japanese, and many other beginners exams, have been tested for the first time this year so scaling in previous years would not indicate the scaling this year. In my opinion i think it would have better scaling this year than in previous years cuz it was just waaay harder...
  19. James747

    how many pages per section?

    9-10 each, but i have really big writing