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  1. E

    ilectures? >>help

    im sure ur lecturer would know
  2. E

    ilectures? >>help

    im ur lecturer would know
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    hi how r u
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    yea it's been down for way over its scheduled time
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    ilectures? >>help

  6. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    who rates it? it's gone to shit ever since vsu came about
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    hence its shittyness
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    WAM question

    every time you change degree programs you will get an additional wam total on your transcript.
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    BEng (Mining)

    lol by 'very easily' i mean they probably got a pass or a credit... which is a fairly decent mark i guess (the credit) i've never heard of anyone doing general maths at all. most people don't waste their time and are happy enough with a pass or credit.
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    BEng (Mining)

    uni maths starts with 4 unit maths from the very first week, so unless you did 4 unit maths you're going to be disadvantaged anyway. for most people i know, they've gotten by with 2 unit + bridging course very easily. the only thing you really need is determination, because they do a decent job...
  11. E

    UAI needed for optometry orthoptics 75.20
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    it was supposed to be a serpeant, or originally, a book worm type thing it was supposed to have a compartment for books in the underside of the serpeant, and people were supposed to sit under the serpeant to read the shared community books so that everybody learns! well, that was the original...
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    no its as fine as peanut butter
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    A post for mining and petroleum engineering

    you couldn't be more wrong there. civil and mining students share probably less than 5 subjects all up, and most of that are probably shitty 1st year subjects. civil is nothing like mining. mining is nothing like civil. they can work together but it doesn't mean they're the same.
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    Library Lawn Trees

    They were cut down because some kinda fungus or someshit was growing in the trees, making them weak and unsafe.
  16. E

    Too late for remark?

    it shouldn't be too late
  17. E

    S1 Marks

    someone hacked u
  18. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    most lecturers don't follow the first week timetable that closely. 8 times out of 10 i'd say there isn't a tute on the first week (at least for my course). the lecturer should tell u if there is or isnt one on the first week anyway
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    they usually don't