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  1. K

    What uni's best for actuaries

    ooh nowadays u need to have good english skills as well, because you end up doing alot of consultancy work (not just plugging in numbers n modelling). well yea, if ur leet with ur math n problem solving, just do the exams from the institute of actuaries after some stats work, and u'll be...
  2. K

    What uni's best for actuaries

    if ur getting only around 96, then i'd recommend not attempting to be an actuary.
  3. K

    UNSW to decide on HECS increase

    slack? i don't see how the uni seems to be more focused on not following suit (the full +25%), though may still increase hecs by a certain amount. the arguments for and against look speculative - i wonder how they'll deal with this.
  4. K

    1st year vs 2nd year

    actuarial tends to start getting crazy in 2nd physics got easier.
  5. K

    Union election result

    wow cool. sounds like she does get around! she's a friend of multiple friends of mine :p.
  6. K

    Union election result

    u ppl know angela too?
  7. K

    Usefulness of a specialised degree?

    you can combine aero with science at unsw (not sure about usyd). from what i've heard, there's not many jobs for aero in aus, so u'd have to go overseas for them (and the industry isn't likely to grow). its a high uai because its hard.
  8. K

    UNSW Examinations FAQ

    one every week from stuvac to the start of hols reminds me of hsc!
  9. K

    people doing or have done PHYS1131

    u won't get half marks, but u should get part marks if your going down the right track - not for thinking along the right lines :p. if you can do the tut questions, you'll be fine for the test.
  10. K

    Religious affiliation

    why should a larger brain lead us to be capable of dreaming up things to believe in? granted, religion does focus on death, and after death, and what it says is fairly unbelievable or too weird, because its the great unknown. but why believe something just for comfort sake? i believe, not...
  11. K

    where is randwick racecourse???

    its right next to can walk there. in fact, you can see it if u walked onto high street and looked onto the racecourse :s there are buses. forgotten the bus no.s, but when you get to eddy ave, just look at the bus routes and u should be able to find one that goes past the race...
  12. K

    Best place to find information about Maths tutoring?

    definitely classmates, tutor, lecturer or friends doing the higher level courses are the best to go to. if you really need help though, I'm around on friday arvos, from 2-5pm, usually doing study in the colonnade, so if u really need someone, pm me.
  13. K

    Religious affiliation

    well, there is a chance, but your probably right - my faith is strong. but i wasn't talking about strong christians (people who believe and sought out christianity and through that have come to believe). i was talking about christians with blind faith (as u put it before), but i guess that...
  14. K

    Religious affiliation

    I don't agree. as i said, by the time they hit our age, they would for one thing have met people like you who don't believe in a god, and so will have a choice of whether to continue to believe what they do, or to not. (otherwise, there would be none who didn't believe in a god, since most grow...
  15. K

    Religious affiliation

    please point out a hole in christianity. me thinks the biggest 'hole' you may find is that the whole thing is based on faith (as u have been pushing), but i don't consider it a hole. those are possible causes for a person being christian. however, I would think that the majority of people...
  16. K


    it also depends which faculty commerce is stingy, won't let u overload anything til ur in final year science shouldn't give u any probs donno about the others
  17. K

    does anyone check ur bus ticket (from central)?

    hey well...right on schedule... not too many ppl caught as far as I could see (only 3 when my bus went past)
  18. K

    Hello you cool bunch of people!

    the only card you'd need to apply for (if u want one) is a copy card (for photocopying), and as far as I know, they just give u one when u ask for it, and pay, and you set your pin code. no idea what a call number is... I think BK means book...(then again, it could be more sophisticated, but...
  19. K

    PPl doing Maths 1151 ... a guy :) he enjoys torturing people for a living (i told him that too - and he agreed :( )
  20. K

    does anyone check ur bus ticket (from central)?

    you won't have encountered them yet what they tend to do is wait a lil bit (a few weeks) and then pounce on the buses for a few weeks. if i remember right, last year they started inspecting about start of april, and it went on for about 2 weeks straight