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  1. MaNiElla

    Wooo, Endorse Torture, Go!

    As much as i hate to think/talk about torture and all, i gotta admit that it is necessary in some cases.
  2. MaNiElla

    What have you eaten today?

    Cup of coffee toasted cheese sandwich apple 2 little puff pastries im pretty sure i ate other stuff too, but arrgh i cant remember :mad1:
  3. MaNiElla

    Favourite 'historical' movies

    King Arthur Troy Kingdom of Heaven
  4. MaNiElla

    What have you eaten today?

    2 cups of Milo Bowl of Special K Some assorted Pastries A cup of orange juice One Kiwi one Apple
  5. MaNiElla

    pimples? formals?

    Foundation :D ... only if your face doesnt clear up in 3 weeks time
  6. MaNiElla

    YI JianLian Vs YAO Ming!!!!!!! <33333 NBA

    I go for Yao :D
  7. MaNiElla

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    I was about to do that too, but i was like "nah, i'll wait and see what happens." Although the series will fail big time, if anything ever happens to L.J
  8. MaNiElla

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    Urgh *shudders*
  9. MaNiElla


    Re: Dumbledore gay??,23663,22729888-10388,00.html :uhoh: :rolleyes:
  10. MaNiElla

    Spring session exam thoughts

    ^ Lol, i finished all those aaaaaaaaaages ago :p :cool: Goodluck anyways :)
  11. MaNiElla

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    Naaah, these things happen :)
  12. MaNiElla

    Mac Vs window Os platforms

    Yeah, nearly all of them come with Vista now.
  13. MaNiElla

    Hottest Male Tennis Player

    marat safin :D then roger federer
  14. MaNiElla


    Yeah i like chilli's sometimes, I like that Red pepper Tobasco sauce, it tastes great with food.
  15. MaNiElla

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hey, thats not fair! :mad1: :p
  16. MaNiElla

    Question for all small govt/minarchist ppl

    Yeah...the replies are waaaay tldr :sleep:
  17. MaNiElla

    Studies Of Religion 2 Unit

    Why dont you try this forum: As for the belief systems in Australia post 1945, you can try this section of the forums:
  18. MaNiElla

    Is War Over?

    I suppose...
  19. MaNiElla

    New X-Files movie announced

    Same, i loved those monster episodes so much. Some of the mythology episodes were so crap and got me really confused. But im looking forward to the movie, i just love David Duchovny :o