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  1. R

    Art Express Preselection

    woaaaaaaaaaaaaaah grimesy it's great!! good luck with getting in :) and well done everyone! good luck w. exam tomorrow
  2. R

    what is art practice and the conceptual framework?

    crizzy, whatever you do, don't walk into the exam thinking you're gonna fail!! use the rest of today and tomorrow to get the basics down. i've been pretty confuse by those terms as well, especiall "art practice", cos i'm never sure all the aspects it encompasses. but the Excel book...
  3. R

    Society Exam Section Ii

    yeah the exam was ok, i did Pop culture a) - stakeholders in rock'n'roll [those who oppose not having much control over it though attempting, and the control shift from the traditional controllers to the consumers with internet etc.] and Eq. + Difderence b) - perceptions [mainly talked about...
  4. R

    the exam was fubar

    i liked the texts :) especially # 3
  5. R

    Creative Writing: Hints [Includes Different Text Types]

    Re: Creative Writing: Hints use your own experience and build on it. also, one of the really early posts explained that you shouldn't just put in loads and loads of lyrical metaphors and some subtler stuff like aliteration, similes and all the techniques you know JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT...
  6. R

    KEY ASPECTS of Imaginative Journey Chosen Texts

    I'm doing Lime Tree and Ancient Mariner as my coleridge poems, but I started off working with Kubla Khan -- I think 'Journey to The Interior' works quite well with it because it's about the amazing power/danger of the imagination. Both poems have very surreal/dreamlike qualities, thinks aren't...
  7. R

    Picture books

    i'm just looking into the picture books idea now... i was talking to my teacher about it today, and she said that it's really important to link the images with the words -- presuming the book has words as well as pics of course. how do the visuals portray the idea that it is an imaginative...
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    finding neverland/ violin man/ coleridge

    wow finding neverland and the violin man...they are two great supp. texts i hadn't thought of!! i absolutely love the violin man, it makes me cry... some really good ideas in there mate.
  9. R

    Irp Questionaire!!! (the Affects Of The Hsc)..please Answer For Me :)

    Please specify your gender. Female 1. What is your reason for choosing to complete the HSC? Basically, it's always been expected. I never even considered dropping out cos I know that sitting the HSC is the right thing to do for my life in the long run (even if this year does become...
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    techniques for different texts

    there are heaps of techniques for lighting, composition, use of text (if any), focal point, subject matter, use of colour. just make sure with any techniques, you know WHAT the technique is and what the EFFECT of that technique is. like the 'ivory trail' image on our stimulus...
  11. R

    Imaginative Story

    hmmm... dyou mean like, ones that we've written? or just random stories? yeah i'm not going too well with my creative writing either. i wanna plan a story before the exam (bloody half yearlies are tomorrow!!!) but i've been trying to work out a good one all arvo. good luck!!
  12. R

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    lol i have just spent the better half of my double free reading this WHOLE THREAD...great way to procrastinate... i like "double" 07 "13 yrs 4 this" and a good one a couple of us wanna get is PRISONER [student number here] e.g. PRISONER 230 or summat like that... dunno what i'll get...
  13. R

    what group are you studying on for EQUALITY AND DIFFERENCE?

    we sorta did a few... aboriginals vietnamese in australia then we did an assessment on what we wanted, in a country out of USA, Jap, AUS, and UK. i did the UK, race and sexuality. pretty interesting stuff! sorta :)
  14. R

    What A Random Course::help!!!

    does anyone else think society and culture is a way weird course?!?!?! like, not in what we learn, that's not the's just so confusing in what we have to know, and how the course is set out, etc. like, the syllabus and the text books, and the text books between themselves, just...
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    yeah i these days seems to be all about the Concept, sometimes i just wanna make art cos it's beautiful. art for art's sake, not to challenge people's ideas or confront or make a point.
  16. R

    buying art supplies...cheapest and best

    yeah maybe... but not good quality aye? it will show...
  17. R

    Eng 4uers 2007

    WOAH you guys have done so much more than me... our proposal is due this wk (wk 3 term 1) and ggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh i feel so behind!!!