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  1. tt_j65

    4u English... Need opinions on "internet love"

    heres some internet love stories on icq..,,,00.html?idx=1&keywords=&country=&todo=&married_day=&married_month=&married_year=&photo=all&sort_by=married_date
  2. tt_j65

    How Did Ya All Go In Half Yearlis

    yes it is 88 timmy :mad1:
  3. tt_j65

    How Did Ya All Go In Half Yearlis

    im so depressed.. 54% for std eng :mad1: and i usually get 8x% :( :(
  4. tt_j65

    Space ques... simple.... but not that easy !

    especially longman :rolleyes: i did the first maths question in the space chapter and there was a t/e in the answer pdf that was on the cd :mad: :mad:
  5. tt_j65

    HSC study camps

    mmm.. the asian australian one at katomba looks good... :)
  6. tt_j65

    HSC study camps

    has anyone been to any of these? are they good? thanks! :)
  7. tt_j65

    questions from s.davis book

    i reckon most of davie's questions are a bit off topic.. like who cares about the intel 8080 assembly code??? (Set 5e) :) :mad: :mad:
  8. tt_j65

    is standard crappY?

    Re: english standard international school? guessing ur from hk, what is your schools name? its interesting... international schools :)
  9. tt_j65

    Disadvantaged Student Scheme???

    let me rephrase, they get to do the exam because they wear glasses while people who actually need it do not get to do the exam
  10. tt_j65

    Disadvantaged Student Scheme???

    i reckon its bull how some people get it cause they wear glasses :rolleyes:
  11. tt_j65

    Moving from english standard to advanced - possible?

    theres also a lot of paper work to be done to the board of studies (which the teachers hate)
  12. tt_j65


    you guys are lucky. our half yearlies are all crammed into 1 week, with double subjects each day arghhh :mad: :mad: except physics doenst count :apig: phew..
  13. tt_j65

    School Motto

    Mature in God :cool: :cool:
  14. tt_j65

    Simpson's Rule

  15. tt_j65


    you havent heard of dymocks... :eek: :eek: :eek: ... i suggest u get out more... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. tt_j65

    School scandals!

    ROFL!!!1 very daring :eek: :p
  17. tt_j65

    Not working :(:(

    bloddy caps :mad: :spam:
  18. tt_j65

    Site feedback/ideas thread

    na you have to ddos the life website to get it!! its a test to see if you have a life ;)