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  1. Marny

    Current Song I've Played to Death

    It's not over -Daughtry.
  2. Marny

    New Arctic Monkeys

    I didn't know they're releasing a new album! That's awesome news! That's something to look forward to.
  3. Marny

    2007 NRL Thread

    Dragons do struggle without half of their players. Barrett is the biggest loss the Dragons have ever faced. What ever happened to try celebrations? Do u remember a couple of years ago when a team would score a try the team would do all these funny acts with the ball afterwards? Hazem El...
  4. Marny

    Best Seinfeld Eps

    Nothing beats 'The Soup Nazi' episode. I've never laughed so much. especially when Elaine rocks up and u can see his face just fuming. and then george rocks up and he's shitting himself. ha ha ha i'm laughing now!
  5. Marny

    The Biggest Loser

    I cant believe how much weight Marty has lost! I watched it in the beginning, then stopped. i was watching the other day and freaked out.
  6. Marny

    Muck Up Photos

    We weren't allowed props 4 our photos which is just crap coz i was planning 2 rock up in my dragons jersey. i ended up doing a big fat THAT'S GOLD! there wasn't much we could do. our yr could hardly fit on the stand. and before we could even get in our positions he took the photo. if we hadn't...
  7. Marny

    I turn really red during exams.

    They make us take off our watches 2. At first i thought we had a choice but wen i did a HSC exam last yr they made everyone take them off. i think it has 2 do with those watches that have calculators n stuff. But they make u take off analogue watches 2. i think they're just really paranoid...
  8. Marny

    Current Song I've Played to Death

    Grace Kelly by Mika. I can't get enough of it!!! It's one of those songs that stays stuck in ur head coz it's so so catchy. I think the guy is a nutcase, though. Just heard his 2nd song. It's a bit *OKLI DOKI* This Aint a Scene Its an (Just for thesake of it, god damned) Arms Race- Fall Out Boy...
  9. Marny

    2007 NRL Thread

    I agree with Mason's comment, but we need to consider this. Teams will probably wanna spend a lot of money getting great players rather than paying others more. A team's gonna wanna spends heaps on buying some player from another team rather than spend more on the guys that r already on the...
  10. Marny

    English Ext 1 - Worth Doing?

    I reckon it's alright. i feel it's less workload than 2unit. MUCH LESS! It's also good coz the stuff u do in yr11 is very similar to the stuff u do in yr12 which also helps. it also helps with advanced coz they try to relate the modules. It all seems confusing in class, but what ur thinking...
  11. Marny

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    I just got THAT'S GOLD i seem to be sayin it a lot and i couldn't think of anything else
  12. Marny

    How was your school day?

    Surprisingly, i'm having a pretty good day. I found out i came 4th in chem, which is great news compared to my last assessment task. i got a good sleep in coz i didnt have ext2 maths this morning (usually a 7:45 class) Did anyone watch Ugly Betty last night? Jason Mraz is back! I'm stoaked...
  13. Marny

    Grey's Anatomy

    That quote was a classic. we've been saying it at school all day!!! it was so George How funny was Alex when he saw Cally and McSteamy together
  14. Marny

    How was your school day?

    Don't get me started on english... i just got my rank for our assessment task on journeys i'm toast!:bomb: gettin chemistry next period and i'm really worried!!! so if u haven't gathered i'm havin a really really crap day so far. oh well, got dragons vs knights to watch tonight Go...
  15. Marny

    2007 NRL Thread

    How Good was the dragons v titans game! So glad Cooper had a good game! What about williams and his 2 tries. i guess u couldn't really doubt him considering he is replacing Gasnier. Has anyone figured i'm a massive dragons fan?:) i like the sharks for adopting Brett Seymour
  16. Marny

    is this year depressing you?

    please dont tell me that... i can't wait for the second i finish school...:bomb: iv planned to burn all my books and dance around the fire
  17. Marny

    is this year depressing you?

    Good words. i hav tried to block them out coz i realise how competetive they're actually being. people fighting for marks just reminded me of girls fighting over a boquet like in clueless...ha ha ... funny thoughts:)
  18. Marny

    is this year depressing you?

    i used to get those panic attacks in the middle of an exam when i accelerated in maths. they eventually go away if you relax before an exam. this yr isnt depressing, its frustrating coz its like one big competition. i hate it when people compete. it's like, GET OVER IT! i'm suddenly in a...
  19. Marny

    How was your school day?

    Yep... our school did the healthy food thing ages ago n its all like really gross frozen food. The funny thing is nothing much looks healthy in there. What about that Dragons v Titans game?! :) Footy show tonight!