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  1. R

    educational accees scheme

    it depends on the uni and in fact campus eg sydney uni does not give ANY benefit at all if the course u want in on is on their main campus and the maximum is 5 points.....officially for most unis... tho i know ppl who got 8 or more......depends how generous they are feeling really...
  2. R


    with the new course ive got no idea what the procedure is with doing arts/med or whatever but when i enrolled they just said those who want to do arts med line up here.......those who want straight med line up here.......those who want sci/med line up here then they just picked their...
  3. R


    nerdd um but the course they run next year will be all new and almost the same as no formal structure just a new case each week (or day or whatever) and u learn what u need for it..... but ATM u can see what we do on there "another question. when you...
  4. R

    Medicine@UNSW banging my head against a lecture desk :) didnt hurt the first 10 times tho
  5. R


    i like the roundhouse............just a 400 bus from the med buildings!!!!!!!!!!!! course i need another bus to find my way home after the roundhouse birthday+roundhouse+mates buying beer=shit mark in are we alone test attemted after consumption of said beer
  6. R


    this is fact the more rural u are the more advantage u get :) a few good mates aof mine got in this way..........
  7. R

    2002 UAI's

    i got just on the sane side of 30
  8. R


    im pretty sure if u are an austrailan citizen u cant get in as a full fee paying student....though someone over my shoulder just said u might be able to if u have lived here for less than 3 years..... with the course changes to med is it still gonna be hree degrees? and how overlaped is it...
  9. R

    Cars / 'Grey' Imports / Motorsport

    ive got a 92 yours turbo or no? and i want a 200sx too the new s16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 horray!
  10. R


    me...proof the system is a failure.....
  11. R

    Reactions to UAIs!

    reaction to hsc marks............screamed.......cried.........threw computer out window........ran down th street and punched a stranger........came home and hid under the bed reation to uai........was content and pleased........warm fuzzies inside......... :D i thought i was...
  12. R

    Who got 100 UAI?

  13. R

    Wot do u think u will get for ur UAI

    yeah cant complain..........1 under what i wanted but hey who cares eh
  14. R

    Wot do u think u will get for ur UAI

    well just for anyone who cares in the slightest my uai was 95.00 good guess huh? actually i fucked bio and did eng and maths real well........for me anyway......but didnt get into band 6 at all!!!!! bit pissed at that esp since i got 89 in phys and 89 in maths and 86 in eng and...
  15. R

    educational accees scheme

    yup i get this cause i go to a shit chool in the middle of nowhere....... i get suposedly 5 points......meaning i got a uai of 100.....hmmmmmm ah no........what they do is say...u got within 5 points so close enuff....u r in..........suposedly....they reserve the right not to....weird
  16. R

    Medicine anyone?

    i wanta do med........very 1st round interviews.......uai was 95 not good enuff for general entry at unsw buuuuuut i might get in under rural scheme.........i hope.........i wish................oh it would be a dream come true........ i applied everywhere cept perth and...
  17. R


    whats wrong with the youth in asia....youfinasia? (ali g joke)
  18. R

    2002 UAI's

    lazseeker said 96.6.......i got 95 pretty close....
  19. R

    2002 UAI's

    i got 95.00 ohhhhh and for general entry for med i need 96........curses! oh well cant complain