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    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    T1 MDCM1000 New Media Technologies A.........72 CR T1 MEFT1200 Introduction to Film.............63 PS T1 MGMT1001 Fundamentals of Management.......62 PS T1 MUSC1001 Music Fundamentals...............59 PS
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    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    MDCM1000 Ease: 8.5/10 (Some of the readings were confusing and some tute questions were hard but overall easy if you engage with a lot of media all the time) Lecturer(s): 9/10 (Scott) - Pretty entertaining american bloke Interest: 9/10 (More stuff on sound would of been nice but it was still...
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    UNSW Fare vs The Quad

    mcdonalds is actualy cheaper than uni food. I can get a small big mac meal for $4.95 and its $5 for a cheeseburger at uni and u dont get a drink or fries.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    It is an arts elective so what does that mean?
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    If you fail a subject do you have to redo the subject or what? I'm pretty concerned about music fundamentals.
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    [provisional] exam timetable

    Friday 20th June - Fundamentals Of Management - 2 Hours Wednesday 25th June - New Media Technologies A - 3 Hours Plenty of time to study for them but I have Cut Copy on the 21st and The Presets on the 23rd. :(
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    Semester 2 Timetable Available Now!

    I'll only have to go 3 days a week instead of 4 next semester and no 9am starts wooooo. Plus the subjects will be way better too. 3 media related subjects as opposed to one this semester.
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    Semester 2 Timetable Available Now!

    You can now check out the times for lectures and tutes for semester 2 in the UNSW handbook on the site. But when can we enrol in them?
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    More Assessments this semester?

    Oh so it was easier when the semesters were 14 weeks long instead of 12? It's ridiculous how they make everything due in week 12 and exams start a week later.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Hopefully none of my subjects next semester will have 9am lectures. But I guess I will have to get up early when I'm in full time employment so it's good preparation I spose.
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    What you hate about UNSW

    The best lecture I have is new media technologies. It is both interesting and entertaining.
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    What you hate about UNSW

    What was with those rally promoters at the eddy avenue bus stops this morning. I'd go for the BBQ but not the rally.
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    I'm considering dropping a subject

    Well I've thought about it and I'm gonna stick with film. I found out I had to read week 2 readings for today wtf I thought it would be the week 1 readings covered in the week 2 tutorial. That's why I didn't understand what people were going on about and I felt like a dumb shit.
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    I'm considering dropping a subject

    I'm considering dropping intro to film as its not really my cup of tea. Is it too late to drop a subject and change it to something else? I'm considering computing 1 but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do it or not. If I can't do that subject I'll be doing science technology and society. Any advice?
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    What you hate about UNSW

    A fucking queue for the computers in the library wtf
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    What you hate about UNSW

    My first music fundamentals lecture is in a couple of hours :(
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    What you hate about UNSW

    Well its only week 1. I dunno why I bought the management textbook, the stuff that was covered in the lecture on monday is in there lol. It will be much easier studying off lecture notes rather than the fat text book.
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    What you hate about UNSW

    I have nothing against asians but damn there is sure too many of them for my liking.
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    UNSW O-Week

    I saw this dance dance revolution freak at the roundhouse on monday
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    WTF I can't login to MyUNSW

    oh yeah thats right I got a receipt, thx guys