Search results

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    New Radiohead - 10th Oct.

    All I Need Would Be Commercial Radio Worthy or probably jigsaw.
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    What was the last CD you bought?

    Radiohead - In Rainbows
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    New Radiohead - 10th Oct.

    Haha, nah I mean like can you hear more textures and is the quality that much clearer?
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    Any '07 HSC'ers doing this course - B business/BSci in IT next year?

    I'm interested in both marketing and internetworking and applications. Does it even matter if they don't mix? I just wanna have the option to choose whatever field at the end of the degree.
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    New Radiohead - 10th Oct.

    Do the songs sound any different cauz they are uncompressed on the CD?
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    Questions about UTS IT courses

    cool, do u have any more subject outlines by any chance?
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    Any '07 HSC'ers doing this course - B business/BSci in IT next year?

    I still cannot decide on my business and IT major. I'm looking at marketing and internetworking but I'm not sure if these mix well together. Any advice?
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    Questions about UTS IT courses

    There seems to be labs in the intro to info systems subject, what do these labs involve? and could I please have some more info on this subject as well.
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    New Radiohead - 10th Oct.

    I thought it was coming out tomorrow (the 29th)
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    What was the last CD you bought?

    Gotye - Like Drawing Blood M.I.A. - Kala Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights
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    Questions about UTS IT courses

    What type of jobs are there combining both business and IT? Particularly marketing and IT? What is the best business major to choose if I wanted to mainly work in IT in the future? Would the double business and IT degree be appropriate if I were to mainly work in the IT field...
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    What are my chances of getting into Digital Media?

    I received a UAI of 82.5 but I don't think this will be enough come main round time next year. Does anyone know if they take people below the advertised cut off cauz this is the degree I really wanna do.
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    Who's In?

    are you able to transfer to this course say after a year?
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    Official UAI Results

    82.50 woot I achieved my goal of an 80+ UAI! UTS here I come! definitely if I don't get into UNSW. Congrats to everyone!
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    Official HSC results.

    Business - 87 English (Standard) - 75 IPT - 89 (Damn haha aw well) General Maths - 86 (Holy crap I thought it would be like 80) SDD - 82 Fucking stoked! JUAI predicts 83.8 woot! UTS Here I come and I have achieved my goal!
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    Official HSC results.

    Business - 87 English (Standard) - 75 IPT - 89 (Damn haha aw well) General Maths - 86 (Holy crap I thought it would be like 80) SDD - 82 Fucking stoked! JUAI predicts 83.8 woot! UTS Here I come and I have achieved my goal!
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    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Hey my mate lost his PIN. Is there a way you can retrieve it?
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    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Yeah I have heard SAM/JUAI are pretty accurate according to past years results. I will be doing the same with my results too immediately.
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    Official countdown for HSC results.

    When will the marking guidelines/comments be posted on board of studies?