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  1. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    i got sunburnt at the uni today its depressing :(
  2. axlenatore

    explain ferrous and non ferrous

    its important when you are using the material, ie you cant uses non ferrous material in a friction saw because youll basicalyl blow the saw up
  3. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    actually today was quite a funny day, in chemistry again, there was this board thing behind the lecturer which looked like a giant pack of cards, but we decided it was normal size and that the lececture is just a similar size to that of a packet of cards, and then started playing wheres wally...
  4. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    the chemistry lecture/lecturer got so boring the people in front of my were drawing various ways of killing her
  5. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    i was going 50 in a 90 zone today i cried a little haha the physics lecture got up on the table and dropped a text book and a piece of paper to demonstate a point he was making, and he did it a few times, and we were like haha nice way to damage a $120 textbook, but lucky it was hes when he...
  6. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    haha cool, my good friends sisters boyfriends name is chris and is studying at uncle, i just was hoping you were him mainly for the lols
  7. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    haha youll probably find me at the shortland courtyard since i spend my breaks there, dying from passive smoking haha we should have a uncle bos gathering what are you doing/did at uni btw
  8. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    im a relatively tall slight lanky kid if that helps, which im sure it doesnt im so just going to turn up and decide which one i think is you then report back on bos
  9. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    haha yer i have epic breaks too short to go home but too long to study/sit around with friends the whole time i might come visit you
  10. axlenatore

    OPUS lolz.

    i got my copy thrown into the bushes because my friends thought i took it to far
  11. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    i would compliment you if i knew who you were im trying to again what you guys look like in real life, to mainly lol if i run into you at uni
  12. axlenatore

    How do i meet more guys?

    and you seem like you dont want to go out.....
  13. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    haha which engineering building there is a few
  14. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    this isnt so much a quirk of a day, but an on goign thing, which i mentioned the first part in another thread basicalyl in one of the chemistry lectures last week in front of a few friends and i was a young girl around 8 years old, we one of my friends and i started joking about whether or not...
  15. axlenatore

    OPUS lolz.

    according to david bowie i am going to die today opus is pretty lols, i loved the dear doctor stories, esecpially the one about impregnanto
  16. axlenatore

    Questionnaire on sexualisation of music lyrics/videos

    1. Gender: M 2. Age: 10-15 16-20 21-25 25+ 3. Do you listen to popular music? Yes/No 4. Do you watch music videos? Yes/No 5. “Shush girl shut your lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.” Do you find these lyrics offensive? Yes/No 6. “If you like it then you should have put...
  17. axlenatore

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    the catholic churuch believes right from conception that a child exists right? so that means when the egg and sperm fuse into one cell and form the zygote they call it human, even though its only a single cell and humans are multicellular.... humans must be special
  18. axlenatore

    'Watchmen' is a better film than 'The Dark Knight'

    just got back from the watchmen, to be honest one of the most random/dragged out films ever they changes in time sequence are confusing and the overal plot is quite lame, plus the constant visuals of dr manhattens blue penis just does it for me....i think he is jewish if you catch my drift ;)
  19. axlenatore

    Rank the NSW uni's for particular faculties and why

    ive heard uncle is the best for chemical engineering
  20. axlenatore

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    first day of uni i found my cricket captain on campus, i think he is doing first year law, i was suprised to see him there mainly since he is like 40 and yer haha idk then on wednesday i was telling this friend a story, and after i left her i ran into him which i found amusing, its cool anyway...