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  1. Weisy

    Med04 group for UNSW first years...

    We have WebCT, if that's what you're talking about. That generally has course notes, timetable info. There's also my.unsw, which has detailed timetble information.
  2. Weisy

    Delta vs guy - Who is YOUR Australian Idol??

    :D One has to stereotype in order to make any sense of the world, I guess. Sarah Brightman...she has a certain charm, but she has completely ruined her upper register in the last few years. Kudos to her for trying different styles, though. If we're talking about an amazing voice...Bryn...
  3. Weisy

    Delta vs guy - Who is YOUR Australian Idol??

    Josh Groban is beautiful. :) I just have a thing for's...terrible... As for Delta vs. Guy - it's about image more than anything else. Even though you're all saying you like them based on talent, song writing ability, etc., I think it's less about that and more about how...
  4. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    sounds good. I was a little disturbed by some of the freebies on offer.
  5. Weisy

    The Big Sleep

    yeah, I'd agree with frodo. It's a romance disguised as a film noir.
  6. Weisy

    Med camp

    Medcamp is awesome fun! You get to meet and greet most of the rest of the year, and basically spend a crazy weekend with an enthusiastic bunch of second years (and they are the most enthusiastic - we had a really hard time choosing people for medcamp this year, cause everyone wanted to go)...
  7. Weisy

    Med04 group for UNSW first years...

    Hey all UNSW med first years, Don't forget to sign up into your yahoogroups first year forum. I found the group really useful last year, especially around exam time. I don't know if you PBLers have exams, but with the switching around of timetables, the forum is a good place to ask...
  8. Weisy

    med timetable is the sh*ts

    If you were organised you could probably still work on weekends and have time to study during the week... Are you guys in every day of the week?
  9. Weisy


    Most of it looks like it could be potential Latin... "zzril"??? Perhaps you should look at the original and check that everything is spelled correctly. There are some obvious typos in the above, and probably some more that would change it to make it make more sense.
  10. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    Possibly a silly question...but why the UNSW open days if you are going to USYD? Is it just a prelude to what you'll be doing next week, or an outlet to meet people, or something more sinister?
  11. Weisy

    med timetable is the sh*ts

    ah well, PBL rears its ugly head I guess....:p
  12. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    :) At least someone does. So this turns into yet another spamming thread. Who was at UNSW today? Not that I would've recognised any of you, but...
  13. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    I'd rather make you smile. :)
  14. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    k then Name: Wei(sy) Unavailabilities: 24th, 25th, 26th, 28th. Dietary Requirements and Medical Information: No Mexican please. Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): If I had it my way we'd be museuming, or trawling around the back streets of Kings Cross, ending up somewhere...
  15. Weisy

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    Is this thing still happening? Would it be worth it in any capacity to give you my availabilities again?
  16. Weisy

    Who will be starting med March 1 2004?

    Hey guys, If you got into UNSW medicine, I'll be at the prep day on the 26th, hopefully. It'll be great to meet all of you.
  17. Weisy

    Latin Crew Meet Details

    I second a Sunday. The 26th is MedPrep day at UNSW and I'll be there. During the week I also have uni and work.
  18. Weisy


    :) I said it was unreal, the fact that it was playing at a random club in Tijuana. I never said I liked it. I might have liked it at first... The staleness of hearing those songs for the 80th time...
  19. Weisy


    Re: There's a Latin meet! (???) I was in mexico the other week and one of the clubs there had the NFS underground soundtrack on or something. It was unreal. How close are you to finishing?
  20. Weisy

    Latin Moment

    good for you :) audio, video, disco. I hear, I see, I learn.