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  1. enak

    Lab location : OMB 113 : where?

    Are any of the buildings at unsw 20 levels high? :p
  2. enak

    .pdf files and printing

    Should be able to print multiple pages per page, like have the setting on 4 pages per page or 2 pages per page, depends on how big the text is.
  3. enak

    INFS1603 Question for tommorow.

    Pfft, that's the 2003 boycott, this is the 2004 boycott :D
  4. enak

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    :D:rofl: LMAO :p
  5. enak

    LOL. What Is Psychology Like??

    Not exactly, COMP1711 is the best :D, INFS1603 is the worst :mad: COMP1711>>>>>>>>>>MATH1711>>MATH1081>>>>>>>>INFS1603 :p
  6. enak

    University Idol?

    SESOC was thinking of making SESOC idol ;), how geeky would that be :p:rofl:
  7. enak

    INFS1603 Question for tommorow.

    I officially start the boycott INFS1603 lecture group :D
  8. enak

    Whos got homework?

    Do i have to turn up to all the maths lectures, if not then I have a 3 day week :p
  9. enak

    UNI is so BORING!

    COMP1711 is the best:D, INFS1603 is the worst :mad:
  10. enak

    UNSW clubs & societies

    Do you have to be part of the productions, or can you just watch?
  11. enak

    How was everyone's first day?

    Discrete maths - What a joke, talks about how to study and what you are ment to do for half the lecture, it really sounds like he's specifically talking to the fobs :p. Higher maths - wasn't bad, he's probably warming us up for the harder stuff :)
  12. enak

    TAS - "Tutorial Unallocated"

    I'm unallocated for INFS1603 :S
  13. enak

    UNSW clubs & societies

    Yes I was, but unfortunately, I won't be in sydney during the time it runs :(
  14. enak

    UNSW clubs & societies

    Shhh, don't tell anyone :p
  15. enak


    I agree, they have, or should have heaps of experience so that they know what kind of hair you have, and how it flows, so then they can plan how to cut it
  16. enak

    UNSW clubs & societies

    Yay, joined the PsychSoc even tho im not a psych student :p
  17. enak


    Just cut and styled, I really suck at explaining, I just tell em to make it look good :)
  18. enak

    Fashion sense

    Are you mocking me?!?!!?:( :mad: :confused: :eek: :) :D
  19. enak

    Fashion sense

    I think like most guys, I wear jeans and a t-shirt, and shoes or thongs if i'm lazy or it's pretty warm. For more dressy stuff, jeans and a t-shirt layered on a buttoned up shirt. That's what I normally wear :p