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    the camera found a wormhole in time-space
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    My Boy...Was Arrested!

    "the" isn't a proper noun you unnecessarily capitalising fool
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    yeah it's pretty good on at the same time as six feet under though
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    stupid question

    politics is the quest and competition for power and influence, in any situation religions are inherently political because they aim to influence people's lives in a certain way and by religions i don't mean the beliefs, i mean religious groups/organisations etc
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    My Boy...Was Arrested!

    i always knew phelps was scum he should be stripped of his medals and shot
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    A-League launched!

    johnny warren died pretty sad
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    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    that is the scariest thing i've ever read edit: how is it anti-Bush to note that the majority people who voted for him had completely incorrect ideas about the issues upon which they based their vote. it just shows how disconnected from reality many americans are, even stupid.
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    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    photos like that only make light of something that is far too serious to joke about
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    Wolfowitz Will Crush

    yeah we can stick reporters in with the army so they make us look really cool but don't get to see any dead people because they are all killed by the air strikes and cleared out before the ground soldiers go in with the "embedded" reporters! that'll make the war look really good and it won't...
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    Chrisitian morality?

    ok this has to be a joke how about if the US economy goes into recession, so will many other economies who depend on it for trade and capital?
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    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    in the hope that you find a swarm of Bush voters who knew perfectly well there was no link between iraq and 9/11 and that the government lied to them about wmd's and terrorist links and that in fact their country was being made LESS SAFE by invading iraq?
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    Wolfowitz Will Crush

    yeah and by shit you mean people, right? lets blow people up! makes great television
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    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    you dispute the fact that many bush voters in small towns in southern states believed that Hussein had a part in 9/11? or are you just saying this because you feel some strange need to validate your own uninformed mindset
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    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    that is the thing that irritates me the most people voted for Bush on the basis of complete bullshit, and the media/bush admin does nothing to protect the integrity of their supposedly fantastic democracy by enlightening those people when they know perfectly well that so many people still...
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    Bands You Recommend To Others

    yeah maybe
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    Chrisitian morality?

    that's a stupid argument and you know it the US government has the capacity to effect nearly all other countries in the world through its actions. if Australia was the sole superpower in the world people overseas probably would care who was leader.
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    2008 = Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for President

    you're quick wouldn't be surprised if he tried to change the constitution though and replace it with his personal interpretation of the bible
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    What makes a leader

    is that Musharraf you are talking about cos he, Karzai of Afghanistan and Mubarak (i think) of Egypt are the three most endangered world leaders. they have guts.
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    The Abortion Debate...

    sure thing Doc "sporadically"
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    Wolfowitz Will Crush

    how could anyone sane possibly not hate war