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  1. N

    Ineffective Methods Adopted By Police

    you don't watch the news? i assume that's where he is getting the assertion from
  2. N

    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    because girls study harder as they don't have world-running duties to perform
  3. N

    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    don't shoot the messenger hitting the computer won't change anything girls UAI average was higher cos lots of males drop out to become apprentice presidents and CEO's and stuff like that
  4. N

    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    it was fact, not opinion
  5. N

    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    how so? .....
  6. N

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    you are so shit makes me cringe to read your posts end of story. close this thread now
  7. N

    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    that's why women don't run the world
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    Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

    yeah fight the power!
  9. N

    Does God Exist?

    how can there be different degrees of atheist you either believe or you don't if you believe slightly then you are not an atheist
  10. N

    Bush or Kerry

    wasn't it cheney who said that if you voted kerry then america would be attacked by terrorists again if kerry ran a scare campaign it was by highlighting issues bush ran a scare campaign by saying he was the one on God's side and kerry wasn't, and scaring people into thinking if they don't...
  11. N

    Iraqi Death Toll at 100,000-200,000

    you would be highly speculative of that group? that doesn't make sense. and i prefer the scare the shit out of everyone then lie to them bush style public relations technique how many people died in september 11? 3000 or so? if you accept one of the lower estimates of 30,000 civilian...
  12. N

    Does God Exist?

    quit worshipping false idols you fucking infidels
  13. N

    Iraqi Death Toll at 100,000-200,000

    well considering this one is a thorough study, and logic says it is more likely that there would be more deaths than less deaths than are reported, it is possible that civilian deaths is between 30-100 thousand. can you please provide a source that says hundreds of thousands died each year...
  14. N

    Iraqi Death Toll at 100,000-200,000

    why, did i miss the bit where it said "just kidding" or something
  15. N

    what do girls think!

    "sportive"? you can hardly demand someone smart academically when you make up words *laughs at own stupid joke
  16. N

    Iraqi Death Toll at 100,000-200,000

    thats 100,000 - 200,000 people that were liberated from saddam hussein
  17. N

    Does God Exist?

    oh but i think ACER is God? that's it, crusade time *kills millions of people
  18. N

    Gay Marriage revived.

    i often wonder why people care so much as to oppose stuff like this unless you are a homophobe, you shouldn't care what gay people do with their lives. why not let them get married?
  19. N

    Does God Exist?

    i don't know how my laptop works, does that mean God made it?
  20. N

    The Abortion Debate...

    don't you think it is strange that many conservatives are anti-abortion, but pro the death penalty? strikes me as pretty hypocritical