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  1. L

    Secondhand textbooks?

    go to co-op website and find out whether there are text books you need to buy for your course. and the co-op is open now.
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    freshman textbook question

    but lecture note is not same as text books.
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    Low Mark

    the answer the last qn is yes. and don't drop to standard if you can.
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    deliberately missing out on lecture or tutorial

    coz of the feeling that u wasted money?
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    Low Mark

    i hope it helps you.:) but seriously get english tutor. it is the source where you will get a lot of help and feedback.
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    Low Mark

    you did english adv? so what level of english do you do now?
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    Low Mark

    what level of english do you do? english adv?
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    Lecture full

    this thread is in the faculty of science and medicine so i didn't know the person goes to unsw.
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    Low Mark

    English tutor helps a lot!!! I don't know why your teacher told you to not to get one. seriously, get english tutor. it will improve your english mark a lot.
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    deliberately missing out on lecture or tutorial

    if you deliberately missing out on lecture or tutorial, do you feel guilty or not? vote!
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    Low Mark

    do you have english tutor? if you don't have, you need to get one.
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    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) anyone who did psychology 1001, did you find the workload for this subject intense? after reading through posts. it seems there are 100 multiple choice exam, essay, tutorial quiz etc. anyone can tell me about the workload for this subject?
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    freshman textbook question

    don't you use text books? then how do you prepare for assignments or exams?
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    Can teachers "force" drop you in a subject?

    yes they can. my classmates got kicked out
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    Help, with uni courses

    Re: Molecular biology and genetics and combined engineering help where do you live? if you live in sydney, i would go yo usyd. the chemical engineering at usyd is also good
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    Uni Questions

    Re: bring lunch to uni? i wouldn't bring lunch to uni. i rather buy it.
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    What would you do...(Law at UWS or Engineering at UNSW)

    you said you were quite happy when you got offer from unsw engineering, so why don't you go to unsw? it doesn't matter if engineering suits more to boys. if you like it, go for it!:) if i were you, i would do engineering for job opportunities.
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    would you let someone borrow your book?

    i would lend to my friend who i know he or she is gonna return the book back to me, but i wouldn't lend it to a person who is not my friend but i know. this all depends on if you trust the person or not.
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    is Actuarial Studies really that boring??

    i have never heard that actuarial studies is boring. but i heard that it is very hard.