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  1. Skillo

    Kevin Rudd Delcares

    The way he said that comment, he sounded like a terminator robot...with a dash of Arnie. Just thought I might share :P
  2. Skillo


    Woo hoo! An invitation to get on my high horse! My older sister, is studying down in Melbourne. She spent the last two years of school in Melbourne too. She was sent down there as a 'gifted and talented' student and she's a violinist. So she said she couldn't get a job as it would interfere with...
  3. Skillo


    Ha. If only. :)
  4. Skillo

    HSC Drama Links

    Maddogz! :D You're ALIVE! Hope life is treating you well!
  5. Skillo

    Should 2 time Loser KIM BEAZLEY be new Labour Leader??

    If you were one of the thousands of people who were gulliable enough to actually believe the 2004election economy blackmail performed by the liberal government, then you're not smart or well informed enough to vote.
  6. Skillo

    Extreme help with BOW

    May I suggest, you get started on it when you have an idea that is plausible, even if you're not in love with the idea...just start it. I was in love with my idea, hated it by the end and thought it didn't make sense, then got a 95 in the HSC. I watched so many ppl sit around and play with...
  7. Skillo


    which la trobe campus are you going to?
  8. Skillo

    onstage people '05'

    Oooo Oooo. I did? Ooo! Many a peoples beat me...but I'm kinda chuffed you said that. Thanks.
  9. Skillo


    My EAS wasn't needed (well, its called a SEAS in Victoria)...but I still didn't get a special SEAS Scholarship...which I was kinda banking on.
  10. Skillo

    Monash vs. UNSW (med)

    That's what Private Messenging is for. Look in the Medicine Sub Forum for these names, click on their nick, and select send private message. Then ask them your questions. Problem solvered.
  11. Skillo


    Well stuff yers all. Lol. I'm been crying for a few days...not out of joy. However, I got both my Victorian and NSW First Preferences. I'm off to do a Bachelor of Creative Arts @ The University of Melbourne (It's like a Liberal Studies but in Humanities) with a major in Theatre Studies...
  12. Skillo

    Monash vs. UNSW (med)

    Insaro does med at monash. Ask Lexi about it, he seems to be in the Jamie Durie is with water features.
  13. Skillo

    Top 100 University Courses by UAI --> 2005

    Errr. They're not all sydney ones. CSU Physio is in Albury and is listed as 41st.
  14. Skillo

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    I'm applying for Med at Monash for 2006 entry...but I did the HSC in 2004. I'm taking a year they say.
  15. Skillo

    2nd shot at undergrad med...??

    Ummm. So if you've deferred a course, does that mean you can't apply? Or does deferment not necessarily mean've just deferred the offer, haven't you?
  16. Skillo

    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    The pain of deferring...the fact I have to wait another year to go to university, just because my parents don't earn enough, and my closest course (well the one I accepted) is 330km away makes my day v. bitter indeed. Is University becoming more inaccessible for country students? I'm...
  17. Skillo

    2005 University Offers - Post them here (No spam)!

    I got another offer: Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Education @ UNSW - 1st preference on UAC. I am declining this one, and taking my offer at University of Melbourne.
  18. Skillo


    Ta! But now I am all confused over whether I want it or not...going through withdrawal symptoms. :)
  19. Skillo

    Latham resigns

    How awful would making that decision feel? I feel sorry for him (and his pancreas). I mean, you invest your life, your time away from family, you sacrifice friends and hobbies to try and achieve something BIG. Then he doesn't get near, and gets really sick. That's what I call supreme bad...
  20. Skillo

    Interstate and International Admissions - updated

    I got an offer from Uni of Melb, but not for Med! Lol. As for Accommodation in Melbourne: The University for Melbourne has several colleges and can be found at the intercollegiate website: All of the colleges are listed on this page...