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  1. Nasonex

    significance of ranking?

    yeah i wanna to, what happens? Fucked? or still a glimmer of hope?
  2. Nasonex

    Finished Exams!

    here here:shy:
  3. Nasonex

    Why is education a competition?

    'To be the smartest, thou shall beat the smartest'
  4. Nasonex

    Finished Exams!

    so jealous:(
  5. Nasonex

    Posting during the Legal exam.

    fuck off to the exam room
  6. Nasonex

    Economics... Are you guys ready for the exam..?

    Essays on Exchange Rates, Labour Market, Environment --> EPIC FAIL:burn:
  7. Nasonex

    Bullshitting your statistics?

    Well it worked for in my trials and end up getting 92, would it work for the HSC? Do u srzly think the markers would waste their time researching whether statistics are factual or not?:lol:
  8. Nasonex

    Economics in nearly a week:(

    Exchange Rates, Environment, Labour Market, Financial ---> Epic fail
  9. Nasonex

    Good to have smart friends?

    Sabotage them! Backstab them! I dont care what it takes, do whatver it takes to get Rank #1 'Short-term pain for long-term gain'
  10. Nasonex

    Sleeping issues

    stupid it may sound, but many doctors recommend masturbation in order to assist in sleeping
  11. Nasonex

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    BREAKING NEWS: Beckham moves to AC Milan on loan!!!!
  12. Nasonex

    Noob Question, Do we lose marks for not drawing diagrams?

    If the question asks "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet", is it compulsory? if we dont, do we lose marks for it?
  13. Nasonex


    Re: Something that made you say "my parents are so naive" Asian parents?
  14. Nasonex

    Burning Your Stuff!!

    Choose a location where the cops are not present We dont want a repeat of Cronulla 2005!
  15. Nasonex

    Burning Your Stuff!!

    where is the HSC Bonfire going to be at?
  16. Nasonex

    HSC Video Blog.

    so sad to hear u fucked up Paper 2:( thank god my school never choose to do King Lear --> speeches is the best topic for Module B
  17. Nasonex

    Feeling Like Shit?

    im fucked as well:( 90 --> 85 --> 80 --> 70 --> mayb 60 ---> welcome to TAFE