And yes i have tried googling this but there seems to be no one answer.
I normally do weight training 5 days a week and 20 minute cardio on 3 days.
I'm eating a fair bit of carbs/protein but trying to avoid oportos/fast food so i can cut down on fat.
I'd say i'm a bit of an ectomorph, i'm...
wtf @ the op
metro much?
for me:
- shower/ shampoo/body wash
-cut nails every once in a while
-hair cut every few months.
fuk i sound like a caveman compared to the threadstarter
yeah i found that already. would you be able to answer my other question please?
I'm doing ok, just exams are coming up and i was just wondering.
also is it hard to transfer? like is there a risk i won't be able to drop it or something.
yeh ive decided to just drop a part of my combined degree so i wont need to go through UAC.
one question though, if i'm dropping one part (law), if i HYPOTHETICALLY fail lol, does it matter? because im dropping or will it affect my other degree.
hey anyone with the UAC 2009 guide can they please just quickly look up UAI cutoff for Bachelor of Construction / Arts Int Studies for UTS
Thanks heaps.
hi i'm doing journalism/law at the moment and wish to transfer to construction/arts. I've tried googling and i'm still not sure how to apply. Is it through UAC or UTS. Am i too late?
i've almost completed my first year of my current degree.
any help would be great thanks
yeah the subject is "perspectives on law" so a lot of english legal history stuff that they can randomly ask. with 22 seminar topics too :S thanks anyway
got my first law exams next month and i have no idea how to make notes. do people just summarise every seminar topic they've done in the semester? what's a sufficient amount of pages normally.
so gonna phail.