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  1. em_516

    Re: this forum

    Is anyone else truly fearful for the future of this uni? Mm.
  2. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Ohhhh duuude! You're just ditching everyone now.
  3. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Where at? I can now be out of the house by 6 due to accidental forgetting to leave workness today :D
  4. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Haha personal joke shithead. Though I did get slightly excited at the prospect, it's been a while :(
  5. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Awww come on James, and Sandie :) Edit: What about the LASS? Eh Chris, eh. :p
  6. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    A dude was murdered right by my work last night. Go the nock :D
  7. em_516

    Necastle area

    Lol, Kahibah might not be so great in itself, but it's pretty close to the beach isn't it? Glenrock is right there, and it's reasonably close to Kotara and Charlestown shopping, and technically the Pacific Highway > town/Hunter Street Mall shit. Also, Kahibah has a pretty tasty Fish and Chips...
  8. em_516

    Beach Party 2009

    You want Frenzal? I'd consider Bag Raiders, Illy and Hungry Kids from Hungary, but there's so much other crap :S and doesn't uni over-police hardcore now? EDIT: K backtrack, the timetable is actually decent. I'm keen. Just figured it'd be awfully spaced out.
  9. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Beach party's on the Sat, but it looks more shit than good. :(
  10. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Lovvve groving. I can do Fridays and Sats, but not of the 27/28th.
  11. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Noooooo :( What's the go with Matt's status? Just edited? Wait, he isn't even a mod anymore?
  12. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Oh HELLO :p Chris is so asian that it hurts my eyes looking at his eyes.
  13. em_516

    Someone had to do it...

    I think a lot of people tend to form contacts through pracs. If you do well, it seems that teachers will offer places straight up. I don't know how solid that is, and I don't know if that's subject-specific only. My mate does High School Art and that's been her experience.
  14. em_516

    International Students targetted for robberies

    Bahah where is the nearest Maccas to you?
  15. em_516

    International Students targetted for robberies

    I heard this this morning. Fucking hate hearing bad shit about Newcastle on national radio. They had clips from the deputy vice chancellor (someone McKonky..lolz) and whoever our international student spokesperson thingy is and both were like 'erm, it's been shit but we're fixing it so drop it'.
  16. em_516

    Whats the most underrated/overrated aspect about UNCLE?

    K, but you just ripped into general students, visitors and mature-age students.
  17. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    My parents reckon they had it/are finishing it off now. I dunno, I doubt it. I'm not sick. I had a really shit cold around the beginning of this whole thing but you couldn't really call it a flu. The only thing was that my parents were overseas and we all got sick at the same time haha. I keep...
  18. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    You're a smelly Newcastle bogan that went to the footy on Saturday. Nice pic btw haha.
  19. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Phor Criss: Hopefully the 2.50 one. I'm sure I'll make it. You guys don't have to wait, though it'd be fun going down together rather than me plodding along later.