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  1. em_516

    UNCLE to the CBD

    Tbh I still love Callaghan but the CBD would be nice. RMIT is spread out in the city over a few blocks <3 :o Public transport does not care for private education. Did not have this issue at my high school. :p Nah, tis not, but now I'm wondering if it was only 3rd year and up. Though I'm sure...
  2. em_516

    UNCLE to the CBD

    Isn't business and law already in the CBD? My mate was complaining about this last year (previously it was only some classes). Good riddance tbh though. :D Tim, Science/Law students (and others in a similar situation) will have to travel to both campuses.
  3. em_516

    International Students targetted for robberies

    Ah Dean, you don't often grace us with your presence but when you do it is pure genius.
  4. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Bang. Bang. Lol Chris, torn loyalty. <3
  5. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    A tad under, but not much. Suck it, referee. This is only the beginning. :)
  6. em_516

    International Students targetted for robberies

    Wtf is with the lack of capitalisation in your post? Until I clicked the link I thought ABC's standards had plummeted! Also, there already is a security bus service and no one uses it because it seems weird. And imo it is advertised about enough now, but yeh, no one wants to use it. And then...
  7. em_516

    Post your Exam Timetables here.

    Lol, that philosophy course was an option in one of the majors I could've done. Yuck.
  8. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Oh yay!! :) Lol, my wage is hardly career-worthy, but I am where I want to be at least :)
  9. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Haaaawt :) Good luck man! How'd Monday go? I just bought two pairs of shoes because I can :D Granted they were hardly exxy, but still! Woopee!
  10. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Re: lol cleaners Damn, I was gonna be all 'kekeke' except you guys have met now. Boo.
  11. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Surely that's your fault? Haha. You could've waited for 6hrs at home.
  12. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Ugh. I would totally puke more if someone lectured me while having a vom. That's awful. Lol real? I saw that email and wondered.
  13. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Love the real world. Raaain. <3
  14. em_516


    How keen are you on smaller firms? Maybe that'd be easier than going after huge national corporations that everyone else is keen for. That sounds awful I know, to aim lower, but it might help *shrug*.
  15. em_516


    For which?
  16. em_516


    Wellll yes and no but I think it's probably worse for you coz you're in a field with a trillion and one other people. You have to try and stand out from the rest of the other people who are exactly like you.
  17. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    I think I know what your problem is! You're a guy! Wear a dress next time, make it believeable. You'll be sorted.
  18. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Yes, I definitely think you would be something Matt would wear, and vice versa. Get on it boys. :p
  19. em_516

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Pft, it's not a leb jacket. You'd dig it Matt.