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  1. bazookajoe

    Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

    Pretty awful, but not as awful as I thought it would be.
  2. bazookajoe

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    Goals for hols are to make 20k and go to the gym 4 days a week. Let us gogogogo
  3. bazookajoe

    animal collective aus tour 09

    watz wiv the laughs?
  4. bazookajoe

    animal collective aus tour 09

    Same day as Green Day...which I just bought tickets for. adfk;lafkldsa;sdkjlasljdfasjldadsf;l
  5. bazookajoe

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Right, he's a traitor because he felt he wasn't getting enough game time?
  6. bazookajoe

    Easiest courses in USYD?

    Academic Writing
  7. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Hey guys just thought I'd let you know I finished on Wednesday
  8. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Yeah pretty sure I'm gonna go. Oh fuck just remembered I have a 21st that night ffs
  9. bazookajoe

    ITT: Post sweet 80s songs

    30 posts in and I'm first to post the greatest song of the 80s? This forum disgusts me. I believe I fit all the criteria and more. 0ZkllM8znx4
  10. bazookajoe

    Football - Summer Transfers

    Wait, what? I'm not sure if you're just comparing them for the sake of it, or because you don't actually know where Portugal is. Or you're making an awesome Arrested Development reference. Also lol at the guy who thinks Man Utd have been more successful than Real
  11. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    The computers on level 2 at Fisher are so fucking awful and slow, everything's very slow and buggy for the first 5 mins and it's almost impossible to be on two different programs at once. Don't even get me started on the charming 5 minute limit on the printing computers, which when I finally got...
  12. bazookajoe

    Football - Summer Transfers

    lol at letting him go so easily, he wants to leave and it's a world record fee...what else are they meant to do?
  13. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    I remember getting ripped on in an essay then getting 80 and I was like lolwat
  14. bazookajoe

    2008/09 English premier League

    plz let Everton win plz
  15. bazookajoe

    SciTech library computer hogs

    Why is one Canadian?
  16. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Finished cryptic except for 7 down, 12 across and 22 across, and obviously 23 and 24 down
  17. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    wtf at this weeks cryptic, half the clues are missing or misplaced :\ also lol at that women's officer or whatever, must be her time of the month amirite
  18. bazookajoe

    Final Exam Timetable

    Re: Draft exam timetable Mon 15th 9:20 - US Writing Wed 17th 9:00 - Lit & Cinema lol
  19. bazookajoe

    2008/09 English premier League

    Burnley promoted :D
  20. bazookajoe

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    aaah fucking hell I didn't even see it after I got the clue rofl :(