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  1. MiuMiu

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    Yeah UOW actually pushes quite a few first year cadetship type things where you do part-time from the start and I guess move up the ranks in the firm.
  2. MiuMiu

    UOW Law

    Yeah I found a BA to be a profusely time-wasting undertaking when I knew full well from the start that I was not going to use it.
  3. MiuMiu

    I hate Target!

    Don't ever be fooled thinking that management at any colesmyer store care about you. You are just there to cover their arses when they need more work done.
  4. MiuMiu

    Do you prefer to be overdressed or underdressed?

    I hate the feeling of being overdressed. So I guess my answer is that Id prefer to be underdressed.
  5. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    Im assuming there was some sort of sexual activity involved
  6. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    Hahaha thats awesome.
  7. MiuMiu

    first times

    No, suprisingly I didn't impale myself on a horses penis.
  8. MiuMiu

    UOW Law

    Yeah thats the one I was after.....but that one's worth 8cps isn't it?
  9. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    Im sure its been done before, but who here has had a (or many!) serious pregnancy scare? This thread is for guys as well as girls, feel free to comment!
  10. MiuMiu

    first times

    I think the female orgasm is just a harder thing to achieve maybe? I discovered orgasms accidentally :D
  11. MiuMiu

    first times

    If you smell like fish you are malnourished. And Bubz, I love giving head, but he KNOWS I love giving head ;) EDIT: And Im damned good at it.
  12. MiuMiu

    first times

    Yeah, I don't know, the feeling to me is just icky, and yeah I guess its a self conscious thing at times, I wouldn't want to be down there, so even when they say they enjoy doing it its like, something I find very hard to believe. I'd rather take a good banging, to be frank :p
  13. MiuMiu

    Enough for law?

    Yeah Id say you have a pretty good chance of getting in. 91 is not a hard and fast thing.
  14. MiuMiu

    What do employers think of UWS?

    Yeah, not secretarial, or admin, or casual work. I am talking the jobs for which you are spending a lot of time and money working towards. If I were referring to the jobs you could get without a degree why would I be fucking pressing the point in the first place?
  15. MiuMiu

    first times

    yurk, I hate recieving oral does nothing for me, so I have to pretend everytime
  16. MiuMiu

    first times

    It doesn't exist, I can't go back there
  17. MiuMiu

    first times

    Hehe, you THINK you made her come. My boyfriend thinks I come like twice everytime....
  18. MiuMiu

    first times

    They're not laughing with you
  19. MiuMiu

    first times

    It was a joke. But Stazi is notoriously unfunny.
  20. MiuMiu

    statement tees

    Kmart has a line of men's slogan t-shirts that are really lame, and some are quite sexual which is a bit inappropriae for kmart! "My wife has a headache (are you available?)" "Got this t-shirt for my girlfriend--awesome trade!" "Keep staring, I might do a trick" "Beer Delivery Guy" "Don't...