Well you don't get a syllabus for a uni subject, you just get your weekly topic and reading list.
Basically as you go through your readings you should be highlighting and taking notes. At the end of 13 weeks if you have been a diligent little student you should have each week's summary and for...
Just thought Id share what I felt was a good deed performed by myself yesterday.
Standing in another Kmart (not the one I work at) trying to pick a cd. This middle aged woman who is carrying a crappy rip-off LV bag and wearing BAD eyeliner is telling off a sales girl who couldn't have been more...
When I met my current boy I was sorta just finishing school and in the process of drifting away from my friends anyway, me starting a relationship I think probably just sped up the inevitable process.
Now most of my friends are mutual friends shared with my boy, so its all good. I do admire...
At my uni you can 'conciensciously (sp?) object' to paying the union fees of $450. You still have to pay the fees, but it apparently (I say apparently because I spose you wouldnt have a way of proving otherwise) goes toward access scholarships.
Advocacy is awesome hfis! You'll love it. You get to go to the court house before a real magistrate and do a bail application and a plea mitigation.
So much fun.
Ah ok, I haven't heard of that, thats pretty cool. If I had my time again Id probably choose to combine my degree with Commerce, I think its a fantastic generalist degree but Id suck at like accountancy and QM and stuff.