only if u can make it to st george on thurs mornings haha
p.s. im getting win xp media centre ed soon
haha linux, i tried to dual boot with win, but damn, i couldnt find the drivers for all my hardware *vent*
In my lecture notes we have the formula
Location + hash2(key) & capacity
so, could someone explain what the location variable is and what the hash2 variable?
suppose we have
h1(x) = x mod y
h2(x) = x mod z + 1
what do we do??!!??
sorry i dont have any examples in my lecture notes...
no seriously, why on earth is windows xp compulsory for dells?
that is crap, i got a copy of winxp that im gonna throw away (as in the comp, cause it sucks)
haha yeah im looking for a 6400 /9400 as well
damn i already have a copy of windows xp dammit
is it compulsory to buy a copy of windows xp??? cause i dont need windows
im gonna put mac os x on it :D
(might require some tweaking but yeah)