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  1. T

    uai help plz!!..

    school rank does not have an "extremely large effect" on your UAI
  2. T

    Im in YR10 How would my subjects be SCALED HELPP!

    why? I do 13 units and I find it fine, it depends on the person......
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    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    13/15 for Ancient History Speech
  4. T

    10? 11? or 12 units for year 12?

    if you want to do a subject then do it, dont worry about how many units it will add up to....if it becomes too much later then you can drop it (provided you have enough units)
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    uai estimation!!

    impossible to estimate a uai based on some assessment marks......
  6. T

    Who has finished their courses?

    Maths 2u - finished English - doing Module C Physics - yet to start option topic Ancient History - yet to start last topic (personalities) SDD - yet to start option topic IPT - yet to start 2nd option topic History Extension - i dont think this subject actually has any limit :p
  7. T

    estimate my uai!

    that does not work
  8. T

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    SAM is designed for HSC marks, not half yearly marks so it is not a fair indication of how you're going to go. Use it when you get your HSC marks.
  9. T

    Weighting of trial HSC on final assessment mark? + Other Assessments?

    Trials: Ancient History - 40% English Advanced - 25% History Extension - 20% IPT - not sure Maths - 40% Physics - 36% Software Design - 20% Other Tasks: Ancient History - Research and Source Analysis 15% (week 1) English Advanced - Module C Exam 15% (week1) History Extension - Major Project...
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    Filling booklets

    if you look at standard packages and those student answers books, most of the high range answers are about 1 booklet or less in 6-10 pages.......your teachers are totally wrong, tell them to show you where in the criteria it states that you need to write a specific amount of...
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    yeah i always wanted to know if markers check past answers etc and even other sources to see if someone has plagiarised, i would think it would take too long + too many 0's would be awarded....
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    What time does your school start?

    standard times: mon, thurs, fri - 8:50 to 3:15 tues, wed - 8:50 to 2:30 for me: mon - 8:50 to 4:15 tues - 7:45 to 2:30 wed - 8:50 to 12:35 thurs - 8:50 to 4:15 fri- 8:50 to 3:15
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    Is it possible to pick up Chemistry in Yr 12

    no uni course/degree requires you to study chemistry, or any subject.....if you have the required UAI you can do any course/degree you just helps if you have studied specific subjects as it builds from them but if you havent done a subject you can do a bridging course or just learn...
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    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    lol no, ill change them to the real ones later...havent done trials yet
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    Hardest Hsc Exam Ever!!

    i completed it in 30 minutes and got 100%
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    Your Trial timetable

    don't have 1 yet, my school tends to give our timetables out 2 days before our exams......... EDIT: but if my school uses CSSA (im not sure what they are going to use) then my timetable should be as follows: Week 1 Monday 31/7/06: Morning session - English Advanced AOS Wednesday 2/8/06...
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    URGENT: History ext without a history??

    yeah, I have done many :p....nah but I will get it done by then :D
  18. T

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    Adv. English Mark: 100% Rank: 1 2u Maths Mark: 100% Rank: 1 Physics Mark: 100% Rank: 1 SDD Mark: 100% Rank: 1 IPT Mark: 100% Rank: 1 Ancient History Mark: 100% Rank: 1 History Extension Mark: 100% Rank: 1
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    URGENT: History ext without a history??

    Yep, my major project is due in 12 days and I have not started it (other than research and proposal), however, I know that I will easily have it finished by then. So, essentially Ext. History is not that much work. At least it hasn't been for me :p All I have had to do is read and research a bit.