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  1. T

    Graduation Song

    lol maybe
  2. T

    English Supplementary Material Topic: Change

    Gwen Harwood poems used to be a text for the old AOS: Change, so yeah try them.
  3. T

    Graduation Song

    green day - time of your life
  4. T

    English half yearly doesn't count?

    it is ? lol....i was under the impression that the following was for everyone: 40/50 is the major work 10/50 trials
  5. T

    English half yearly doesn't count?

    yeah history extension half yearly has 0% weighting, but that's the case for everyone :P
  6. T

    'It' is coming!

    timobr0 is my username :p
  7. T

    Who despises english advanced already?

    yeah satire was alright in year 11, our text was Animal Farm.......
  8. T

    'It' is coming!

    maybe they might include forums for years 7-9 now ?
  9. T

    'It' is coming!

    7and9.jpg is filename for the fire picture so the clue may also be in the name ?
  10. T

    Library suggestion?

    bowen library ?
  11. T

    Study Is...

    study is practice
  12. T


    this post clearly indicates your superior intelligence - im sure everyone agrees
  13. T

    Stuffed Up - Still Got A Chance?

    im sure you can pull off some quite high ranking by the end if you work hard
  14. T

    11 units vs. 10 units

    1. could work if u "stuff up" a subject.....but the subject/s you're most likely to "stuff up" are the ones that you don't like and have no motivation for, and in your case thats history i don't think it would create much of a "safety net" in your case 2. is totally incorrect
  15. T


    it depends on YOU, not your school and subjects
  16. T


    but it does not gaurantee a higher uai, getting a "high" uai in a lower ranking school is just as easy/hard.
  17. T

    Stuffed Up - Still Got A Chance?

    remember that internally ranking is more important than the how good/bad are you ranked atm ?
  18. T


    ...ANY UAI (or at least a very very high one) is possible with ANY subjects at ANY school as long as you work hard and get good rankings/marks. So don't think you can't get a UAI you want just because you do some "lower" subjects or go to a school ranked 100-200 +..............
  19. T

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    i got an english assessment next class written conversation dialogue thing of two people arguing with two different readings about two gwen harwood poems.........................