Search results

  1. Weisy

    UMAT results

    No, you get both percentile rankings and actual scores, ie. 6 "scores".
  2. Weisy

    UMAT results

    Didn't you get three UMAT (scaled) scores on you results slip?
  3. Weisy

    UMAT results

    I think she means the actual mark, not the percentile ranking.
  4. Weisy

    what year are you in?

    "motion moved" *waits for something to happen*
  5. Weisy

    UMAT results

    Thankyou for that information Ozz^E, now it makes much more sense. :) You were close, that's a shame.
  6. Weisy

    UMAT results

    nothing. (the sordid indecisiveness of today's youth: a product of being told repeatedly in primary school, "you can do anything, anything you want") it was not personal...I actually feel much the same way as you.
  7. Weisy

    UMAT results

    :D teenagers...
  8. Weisy

    UMAT results

    oh well, indeed. I hope you get there in the end though, if it's waht you really want to do. Top 10 percent? ahhh...why do i never hear about such rules? Is that a general for all universities? Is it top ten in every section?
  9. Weisy

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    ok, could we please have the story about apples? :)
  10. Weisy

    Regional Entry Test

    I love these problems. :D The youngest person is Mark. It's the only option that makes sense, given the constraints of the question. What the question is really asking for is a situation created by the negation of one and affirmation of three of the statements which makes logical sense...
  11. Weisy

    UMAT results

    hell yeah, but not the medical organisation, the ACER. The unis must get some monetary advantage out of it too. how do you know you would have gotten in if UMAT was discounted and/or you did better? and how do you know that you won't get in on second-round offers? The HSC results aren't...
  12. Weisy

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    was wondering that meself was also wondering how the hell MLC got the most votes....that's why there's got to be more of us here than just Mil, me and chait.
  13. Weisy

    Good Luck Hsc 2003

    we'll miss the three-eyed fish.... :)
  14. Weisy

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    I wonder who else from MLC is on here...
  15. Weisy

    Dux of year 12

    well, congratulations! :) We have a dux, but I'm pretty sure it's calculated in a different way to the way the HSC results are. For one thing, I don't think there's scaling, so easy subjects are weighted in the same way as harder subjects. For the last few years at least, the dux of our...
  16. Weisy

    impeding sense of doom

    Yes I agree. The HSC is overrated.
  17. Weisy

    passions thread 2

    no, I agree. ANYTHING is better than passions. That show is so bad, it has to be a parody of something...
  18. Weisy

    Judge Judy

    It's not just Judge Judy, it's the inanity of the actual cases and people which really give me the heebie-jeebies. :D *points at Jin-17 accusingly* "He stole my tupperware!! It cost me twenty-eight dollars!! Of all the insidious, selfish, arrogant..."
  19. Weisy

    ahhh :D...IM INTO UNI!!!!

    congratulations! :graduate: oh, to feel that reassurance...
  20. Weisy

    Good Luck Hsc 2003

    lol Cluver, some people don't have to imagine it.