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  1. L

    time management @ uni

    can you explain this bit more please?:)
  2. L

    Does General scale really badly?

    if you do good, it will not affect you significantly. but generally general maths does not scale well/
  3. L

    Opinions on dropping General.

    well. for SAT 1, you know there is maths part, right? i personally don't know if general maths is gonna be helpful in SAT exam and i think 10 units is better than 12 units coz you can focus more. if i was u, i would drop general maths.
  4. L

    Geography = no notes?

    like i said from above thread, i agree with focusing on essay. but writing note is also good. i know there are so much details there, but just pick important things which you need to know. just main things
  5. L

    One of those "HELP 10 or 12 units!!" thread.

    i personally think 10 units is better than 12 units coz you can focus more.
  6. L

    time management @ uni

    reading through unit of study outline, there are a lot of things like lab work, lecture, tutorial, exam, assignments and seminar etc.. could you please share ANY tips on time management @ uni? How do you manage time to fit all lecture, tutorial, assignments, studies and social life?
  7. L

    Advanced Mathematics @ USYD

    if you do advanced unit but you don't get accepted to special program (by invitation) they offer, then do you take normal level unit?
  8. L

    Advanced Mathematics @ USYD

    can you tell me what your opinion is about this please? i know if the students completed maths ext2 at high school, you are allowed to do advanced units. eg) differential calculus advanced if you studied advanced unit, would you recommend students who completed maths ext2 to do it?
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    ICALLFORTH: Anyone doing >12 units in HSC year

    i was doing 14 units and after few weeks i dropped one subject. there was too much work
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    usyd enrolment

    can you explain what these are? Fee payment status form Confirmation of Enrolment it was on the list of things to bring but i don't get where i can get them
  11. L

    Arrggh how freaking annoying...

    I had similar type of assessment. From about 6 pictures, nothing was really appealing to me and I had difficulty in picking which picture to base my story. what I did was that I just wrote the story (first draft), then I read the story again and tried to pick which picture suit to my story...
  12. L

    How detailed are your notes?

    when i write note, i just write 'the most' things that i need to know. i don't make my notes not that detailed coz if i include very detailed, i get overwhelmed by the quantity. i just write most important things
  13. L

    Geography = no notes?

    yeh, i think he is right. but writing notes will help you as well.
  14. L


    many of my friends studying Bachelor of Commerce go to UNSW and told me that it is better at UNSW. so i guess UNSW is better...
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    usyd enrolment

    How long does the enrolment process take? what are the processes? eg) picking subjects for you how long did the enrolment process take?
  16. L

    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    Science Advanced @ USYD
  17. L

    gen maths. the DISADVANTAGES

    what i meant easy was that it is not challenging.
  18. L

    Advanced Mathematics @ USYD

    is the tutorial sheets homework? from the usyd website, tasks in maths subjects in general were exam, assignments, quizzes etc.. so does every little quiz count toward final grade?