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  1. L

    How Hard Is University?

    USYD uses bell curve to grade? can you explain this a bit further?
  2. L

    2009 transfers

    what if you make transfer into different course, yet in same faculty? do you still need to do this through uac?
  3. L

    benefit for exchange

    do the employers look for experience like participating in exchange program?
  4. L

    How Hard Is University?

    can you give me example for that? so some subjects have low scaling which lower the person from HD region to D region?
  5. L

    How Hard Is University?

    is there a thing called 'scaling' in uni as well? coz i read another post and the person mentioned that the one subject of his choice scaled him down from getting HD.
  6. L

    How Hard Is University?

    is participation at tutorial very important?
  7. L

    benefit for exchange

    if you went to another country and studies through exchange program, post what benefits you got from it!
  8. L

    english tutor needed

    contact tutoring college. they often have good teachers
  9. L

    Main Round offers??

    if you receive main round offer, how do you accept it? like is there step you need to take like ring uni and tell them you accept the offer?
  10. L

    How Hard Is University?

    so is that at the first lecture?
  11. L

    How Hard Is University?

    so when can you access syllabus?
  12. L

    How Hard Is University?

    silly questions again but if there isn't any syllabus for course, then how do you prepare for the exam or assignment?
  13. L

    How Hard Is University?

    not a dot point syllabus... so there is actually syllabus in the course, but different?
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    How Hard Is University?

    i know those questions are stupid, but it is coz i was never been told. 1. Do you get homework from lecture or tutorial? 2. Isn't there 'Syllabus' in uni as well? 3. Depending on degrees, some require students to hand in 'weekly assignment', for example in engineering degree. does your...
  15. L

    Advanced Mathematics @ USYD

    does anyone know job opportinities of science advanced? is is highly employable?
  16. L

    usyd enrolment

    Re: Important Dates - 2009 is subject something like RRRR1005?
  17. L

    "Uni Grades are completely irrelevant to employers"

    sorry but what is uni grades?
  18. L

    benefit for exchange

    can you post unis which USYD has exchange program with in Japan, Engliand and America? or post where i can access the information
  19. L

    usyd enrolment

    Re: Important Dates - 2009 thank you. one more question, on the enrolment day, you can pick subjects right?
  20. L

    Important Dates - 2009

    the enrolment day for first years is late Jan. right?